The post on 05-08-2004 was this:
Invent a memory of me, then post it in my journal.
Or something like that. This was the best response.
Remember the time when we got so sick of this damn town that we stole that Harley? We didn’t know which way we wanted to go so we found an empty whiskey bottle and spun it and roared off in the direction it
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That was so beautiful and touch my soul.
Music that is use right is the empowerment to every one soul or it can tamed the rabid beast with in. That story reminds me of ‘The Beauty and The Beast’. A man that was so over whelmed with hate with in and isolated him self from the ugliness he became. Close him self off from the world of cruelty.
He had spelled put on him, to me it was self reflection to love who he is and his soul tamed.He had to find someone that was more enrich in life. Not by the riches of his fortune of possession he had gain and kept to him self. That person had to see that beast with in as a beautiful soul through the beast he became.
Why did you close your journal? Is it because of the belittlement you received that burnt your soul? It's just what I receive and perceived from what I read. I don’t think your worthless and your life won’t amount to nothing, have you ever thought that those words of put downs was from someone that was jealous for you have enrich your life with words and songs to empower you to aim high with in your self respect. That ravish the beast of anger and belittlement and wanted you to be taunted and hurt for he/she was hurting in side. Maybe something you have written touches him/her in way that, they themselves couldn’t achieve in the life they were living.
For your friend that hasn’t respond to you yet, that I know of, for the fact you haven’t gotten a reply yet on this entry.
Friends are Silver and Gold to I…..Gold will be around until your old and will grow with you as you grow with in the growth with in yourself. Silvers are friends that come and go, yet you can learn from them as they come and go. But maybe One silver friend in your passing days can turn to gold. Keeping your self close, you will never know if the silver of new friends will become gold.
Just think on it.
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