Nov 25, 2007 22:53
over the past year we've made a conscious effort to decrease our waste and pollution. we now recycle as much as possible, to the extent that our recycling outweighs our trash (i'd guess by at least twice as much each week). we also switched roughly 95% of our lights to compact fluorescent bulbs, despite all the naysayers who are concerned about the mercury content that could cause problems when its time for disposal. we shred and recycle almost all of our paper trash, instead of just putting it in the trash can. and now, thanks to meijer, we're bringing home our groceries in reusable grocery bags. granted, this was a step we could've taken a long time ago with some canvas bags, but such a simple idea had not occurred to us. now, the challenge is remembering to take them when we go shopping.
our ongoing challenge is fuel consumption and pollution from the cars, as both our vehicles run on premium fuel and don't get the best gas mileage. but we're planning to pay for carbon offsets at the end of the year through an awesome web site and organization with an awesome goal.
and to go a couple steps further, we're going to try switching to 100% biodegradable, flushable kitty litter...instead of the clumping clay stuff that just goes in the landfill. we're also converting more and more to biodegradable cleaners, detergents, fabric softeners, etc., as we run out of existing product. and this year, we're going to use wrapping paper from recycled materials, and make sure that all our holiday gatherings recycle the paper remains as well. it's kinda fun to see all the changes you can make that help the environment if you just open your eyes to the possibilities.
thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. i've found it most enjoyable for years now, basically because its the least stressful/most sentimental combination of all the major holidays.
its hard to believe that four years have passed since that day we met to say goodbye, and found ourselves saying "hello" all over again. and since then, we've said "goodbye" a number of times, only to find ourselves saying "hello" time and time again. the road is winding and not without its challenges, but it seems that every wind and every challenge brings an even greater reward, as long as i'm willing to be patient and wait for it. its not always what i'm expecting, but there always is something worthwhile to come of these challenges.
there have been so many changes in my life from that day four years ago, or to go even further back, since that very first time we met at good ol' purdue. but i look at this path, every part of the journey, and i see just how much it has given me. i've learned so much from everything, so much to be thankful for. its so easy to lose sight of all the gifts i've been given, and i all too often get distracted and let myself fall victim to my own lack of self-control, fear and frustration. all of those damn unknowns always seem to get to me.
but four years later, dave and i are on a path to make the best of all the unknowns, and we work together to get through them. we're definitely great together, when we remember that its not just fun and fantasy and that there is actual work to be done in order to grow together and as individuals.
and dammit, the sex sure is great, too. (and contrary to popular belief, i think that takes work, too.)
but what i'm happiest about, what i'm most thankful for today, is that tomorrow i get to wake up and say "hello" to him all over again.
and best of all, there won't be a "goodbye" to follow.