Apr 03, 2006 17:35
Lately, I've noticed I've been slacking off a bit on Livejournal these days, but what can I say? Gaming has been at an all time high these days and well, so much time and yet, so little.
Anyhow, let's just say I've had my hours cut severely at work these days. Going from 26+ hours to 11 a week does not help my financial situation. Which means, I'll have to find a second job, because there's no way in hell I'm letting go of that fucking awesome discount I get there. No way in hell.
But there is no fear for me, I can go apply for a job at the hospital and work in the lab with one of my good buddies. Plus, there's that two dollar an hour increase for me. Which would be sweet. I could use the Best Buy check for personal use and use the hospital one for paying my overloading bills plus save money for the inevitable return to college and to get my god damn degree. Then I can finally feel acomplished and set my sights on my true calling: World Domination.
What the lab job will consist of is pretty much pushing dead people and body parts into the morgue. Mmmmm...dead stuff. Granted, I'll probably lose my capacity for lunch, but I still find myself giddy at the prospect.
Love life still non-existant, but I think getting a tan might help my prospects. A lot. And getting back into shape should help, too. I miss my old six pack I had when I play soccer non-stop and football. :( Plus, it would probably kick my nicotine habit I somehow picked up. The black lung cough kills me way too much now.
Well, that's enough for now. Time to get back to Oblivion and gasp! roleplaying!