So, after drooling over the new MacBook Air (and then promptly moping up my drool once I realized how expensive it is), I tried out one of the other new things I heard about today.
No, not iTunes movie rental -- Netflix's instant movie watching thing. Yeah, I know, they've had it for some time, but they just recently made it unlimited (with the paid DVD subscription plan, of course, but everyone has that already, right?).
Anyway, I thought I'd try it out, since my latest batch of DVDs are still in the mail. After a few clicks and a brief install (no more than 2 or 3 minutes, total), I was sitting back and watching the opening credits of "Pan's Labyrinth", full screen, on my 20-inch widescreen monitor, which is how I watch DVDs.
Two hours later, I dried my tears (sad, sad movie), and marveled at the utter lack of problems I experienced. Quality was noticeably less than a DVD, but I forgot about that after the opening credits, and it didn't detract from the film. (A skipping DVD is 100 times worse than minor compression artifacts.)
Well, maybe this newfangled information-superwhatsit is good for something after all.