[#11] The One Where Massu Births Kittens

Apr 27, 2008 12:20

jep_cast comes to you with episode eleven, recorded April 26, 2008 with three of your hosts: Jennie, Kamika, and Peyton. Unfortunately, Rhey couldn't join us due to internet problems, but as always, she was sorely missed. Once again, this ended up being fairly long, but we'll try to keep better track of time. (We apparently just can't shut up.) But do join us for our usual brand of insanity, and lots and lots of flailing~ ♥

The One Where Massu Births Kittens
Running Time: 1:26:10
Size: 78.9 MB
Download Links: MU | SS | MF

*New Smaller Size*
Size: 39.4 MB
Download Links: MU | SS | MF

Streaming Audio:

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Show Notes:

     - Who has five batsu points? Peyton does!
     - We ask listeners to give us suggestions for batsu games to play on Peyton next week! Something sound-based, something accessible, and something that'll embarrass Peyton beyond belief.
     - CONTEST WINNERS!! :DDDD I'm excited even though I'm not even gonna be there. *laughs*

Johnny's Entertainment News for the week of April 19th to April 25th (6:37 start)
- SMAP: The trailer for I Come With The Rain, Kimura Takuya's english movie
     - KimuTaku plays a traffic jam??
     - Peyton has no sense of filter again, and we recount all the other times just for fun.
- V6/Arashi: V6 pranks the Arashi members on Gakkou E Ikou MAX!
     - I seem to have no sense of words in this segment, especially introing this news item.
- Kinki Kids/KAT-TUN: Music Station! Koichi Maizu Tsukasa with No More and KAT-TUN with Don't U Ever Stop
     - Koichi touched on a girl~~ ♥
     - Jennie giggles uncontrollably when she hears the "Hell Yeah."
     - Batsu point awarded to Jennie for getting which KAT-TUN member had lacy socks on. *snickers* Kame's outfit just couldn't get any worse.
- Arashi: Dream "A" Live Album was released on the 23rd!
     - I get first dibs on opinions because I am the host. :D I abuse my power~
     - Somehow, KAT-TUN ninjaed their way into this segment.
- Arashi: Arashi sings the theme, One Love, for the Hana Yori Dango Final, and the Hanadan Trailer
     - Fujiki!!! Peyton fangirls over him, making that number two, or three if you include the KimuTaku flail.
     - Oh wait, that's FOUR. Abe is also hot. *laughs*
- NewS: Summer Time PV
     - My fangirling side totally came out in this one. Will wonders ever cease?? :D
     - Batsu point awarded to me! Although, I still think special could totally equal stupid in anyone's head. XPPPP (Okay, I'm reaching, but whatever.)
     - Yamapi won't let Shige wax his board.
- KAT-TUN: KAT-TUN III Queen of Pirates
     - KAT-TUN are our little pirate boys~
     - We make a guess as to what the cover for Queen of Pirates will look like.

Drama Segment: Romeo and Juliet (41:28 start)
     - Hiromichi and Juri are Romeo and Juliet gone right.
     - Peyton can't remember what she likes about this special at all.
     - Juri sounding like a duck makes her sound adorable, we swear.
     - Jennie immensely hates the plot device they use in this special, which, unfortunately, was even part of the tagline for the drama - Crossing Paths Without Meeting.
     - Hiromichi only saved a stuffed animal, no big deal.
     - Takki looks like a monkey, according to Jennie. (Yes, we do have a habit of comparing people to vegetables and animals.)
     - Next week, we tackle (or rather, Peyton and Jennie and our guest hosts tackle) Kimi wa Petto episodes 1-3! It's a good drama if you ignore the very big plot device that got it to where it was. *laughs*

Letter Segment (1:13:22 start):
     - We talk about how Johnny's Entertainment has bled into our every day lives. You know you all emphatize.
     - Peyton is excited that she sent a package to Koyama. A female Koyama, but Koyama nonetheless.
     - My male friend insists Jin is hotter than Yamapi, and that Taguchi is hot. :D
     - Jennie turns Shige on daily, and he sits on her lap all the time.
     - I plug Jin into Yamapi all the time~ ♥

     - Hell yeah drops by for a visit, two, three... four times?!
     - KAT-TUN's new logo has someone excited.

Remember, comments and questions and all sorts of feedback are much love, so hit us up here at jep_cast or send us mail at our shiny new email address - cast@jepcast.com!

I might've gotten particularly wordy in the show notes this week. Whoops! XPPP I apologize for that~

host: jennie, host: kami, host: peyton, drama: romeo and juliet

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