[#59] The One With Tsubasa, The Frailest Kitty

Apr 26, 2009 17:46

Title: The One With Tsubasa, The Frailest Kitty
Running Time: 1:11:00
Size: 32.51 MB
Download Links: MU | MF
Hosts: Rhey, Peyton, Kami, and Jennie
Streaming Audio:

Show Notes:
 O P E N I N G ( 0 : 2 8 )

▪ Old KAT-TUN interview [ 1 ]
               ▪ Nakamaru thinks his bandmates are fruits. Jin is Hitler??!
               ▪ Koki shipping KoKame. Or is it really AKAME?!

N E W S ( 0 3 : 3 0 )

          ▪ Sho on Tensai Shimura Doubutsuen [ 1 ]
               ▪ Sho shocks everyone by taking the raod less traveled kssing Aoki!
          ▪ Cast of Smile on Tokyo Friend Park II [ 1 ]
               ▪ No one cares enough to watch this cuz Yui's not there.
               ▪ MatsuJun fails to clear the first challenege again! (It was harder this time.)
               ▪ Spoiler character is too spoilery to reveal info about spoiler spoiler.

          ▪ TegoMass back in Sweden [ 123 ]
               ▪ This...is not a prank, right?!
               ▪ Will there be a Japanese release of this CD?
          ▪ NEWS on Music Station [ 12 ]
               ▪ The much anticipated Koi no ABO performance is finally here!
               ▪ Peyton predictably loves Koyama's ~yellow bow~ -_-
               ▪ Yamapi's fug perm is temporary, Tego's half braids are hot, Massu sporting multiple colored hair!
               ▪ Fail furitsuke!

Kanjani 8
          ▪ Second #1 Album [ 1 ]
               ▪ And how well deserved it is, this time.
               ▪ MSta fail reporting.
          ▪ HEY! HEY! HEY! appearance [ 1 ]
               ▪ Short, but hilarious. Self-depracating K8!
               ▪ Yoko disses Hina's singing capability. XD Hina dishes it back.
               ▪ Ryo reveals his (pretending to be) drunk escapades with Saito K.

          ▪ Koki Joins Hissatsu Shigotonin [ 123 ]
               ▪ Spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler.
               ▪ Koki's character is a dressmaker and his weapon of choice, a red thread.
               ▪ Koki gets work only if he's bozu. Yay, bozu!

          ▪ Toma on Shounen Club Premium [ 123 ]
               ▪ Toma talks about JE's penchant for putting the boys in hideous costumes.
               ▪ Kami's favorite parts are when Toma talks about being bff-y with Yamapi.
               ▪ Toma talks about being an ~actor~ without being a debuted ~idol~

          ▪ Kusanagi Tsuyoshi arrested for public indecency [ 1234567 ]
               ▪ Serious discussion on the scandal, rammifications, etc.

L E T T E R / Q U E S T I O N ( 0 : 5 4 : 0 3 )

▪ What is your impression of Imai Tsubasa of Tackey&Tsubasa?
               ▪ Listener responses from aralana, heiresskaorim, claveldelpoeta (frail kitty!)!
               ▪ When it comes to Tsubasa, you're likely to be one of the following three:
                       ▪ You don't know anything about him and/or you don't care;
                       ▪ You like Takki more anyway (you feel bad for Tsubasa)
                       ▪ You actually like Tsubasa, think he dances well, but can't decide if he's actually hot or not.
               ▪ Tsubasa is a stay-in-the-bg kinda guy? And a bad actor.
               ▪ Tsubasa will forever be associated with his ~chinchin revealing short skirt~ (thanks, Peyton)
               ▪ Jennie admires Tsubasa for making time to go to Spain for his ~flamenco dreams~
               ▪ UMAI TSUBASA!!!
          ▪ Next week's question, by popular demand: what is your impression of Ikuta Toma?

C L O S I N G ( 1 : 0 6 : 5 1 )

▪ Kanjani8 interview [ 1 ]
               ▪ Let's listen to Peyton talk about K8's music taste.

Twitter: jepcast
Email: cast@jepcast.com
Voicemail: 206-339-6065 or Skype username 'jepcast'

host: jennie, host: kami, host: peyton, letterseg: tackey & tsubasa, host: rhey

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