How I got into JE, hehe (I commented back!) First it was Lovely Complex's first ending Kiss ~キッス~帰り道のラブソング~ - Tegomass, I saw the first part of the PV and thought Tegoshi and Massu were gay, not insult gay but actual gay XD (I wasn't fully paying attention while watching the PV so I thought they were holding had... get what I am saying... I know they aren't now). Then the new opening Hay!Say! - Hey!Say!7, reading the translation the song made no sense but it was like hell catchy. I watched the PV thought it was cutest thing ever, and watched it over again. Then Hey!Say!7 was on some show and they talked about how they were in KAT-TUN's concert (at that time I had no clue who they were) showed a five second clip of KAT-TUN and they were moving their hips me = o_O whaaaaa? I watched the Real face concert dvd, it was the first thing that showed when I looked up KAT-TUN, it was awesome. It was the hips and Akanishi Jin's Pinky video that made me get into KAT-TUN, haha. It went downhill from there, in a very good way. After that I got into News, Kanjani8, Kinki Kids, Arashi and basically everything/anything connected to JE XD. Now I am a major KAT-TUN and News fan. My computer will run out of memory soon, I wont go outside because I am watching dramas or clips, I will eventually run out of money, and my friends see me as more of a freak then I already am. Ohh yeah, my school lacks diversity so I can honestly say that I am the only JE fan in my grade, no wait my school... I'm at at the top of my downfall and loving it :D
First it was Lovely Complex's first ending Kiss ~キッス~帰り道のラブソング~ - Tegomass, I saw the first part of the PV and thought Tegoshi and Massu were gay, not insult gay but actual gay XD (I wasn't fully paying attention while watching the PV so I thought they were holding had... get what I am saying... I know they aren't now). Then the new opening Hay!Say! - Hey!Say!7, reading the translation the song made no sense but it was like hell catchy. I watched the PV thought it was cutest thing ever, and watched it over again. Then Hey!Say!7 was on some show and they talked about how they were in KAT-TUN's concert (at that time I had no clue who they were) showed a five second clip of KAT-TUN and they were moving their hips me = o_O whaaaaa? I watched the Real face concert dvd, it was the first thing that showed when I looked up KAT-TUN, it was awesome. It was the hips and Akanishi Jin's Pinky video that made me get into KAT-TUN, haha. It went downhill from there, in a very good way. After that I got into News, Kanjani8, Kinki Kids, Arashi and basically everything/anything connected to JE XD. Now I am a major KAT-TUN and News fan. My computer will run out of memory soon, I wont go outside because I am watching dramas or clips, I will eventually run out of money, and my friends see me as more of a freak then I already am. Ohh yeah, my school lacks diversity so I can honestly say that I am the only JE fan in my grade, no wait my school... I'm at at the top of my downfall and loving it :D
(I can't believe I wrote so much....)
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