life is so hard but your butt is so soft

Jun 04, 2014 12:49

life is so hard but your butt is so soft
baekhyun/jongdae, nc-17, pwp
dicksucking is the new red bull.

dear emily, #itried :( happy birthday! ♥

In a foreign country, under the weight of fatigue before a major stage, there’s really only one person that can make Jongdae laugh.

Fatigue doesn’t sit well in Jongdae’s stomach, but it’s inevitable, after the three shows in Seoul that had been a blast, but also enough to work them aching from the bone. Hong Kong is beautiful and the fans are passionate, but the months they’ve put in before to culminate in the three hours tomorrow night - it’s now or never. The rehearsal they’d done today had laid the venue out before him - rows and rows and rows of seats; it’s a big audience to impress, again.

After a good long shower that does little to wash away the thick weight dragging his heart, Jongdae flops onto the bed haphazardly tummy down, pillowing his chin on his hands folded together. Maybe he’ll watch their special stages again, pick out the points where his footwork is weak, but Baekhyun’s already jumping onto the bed. Jongdae has to admit he’d rather spend these nights with Baekhyun more than anyone else - Baekhyun is a good distraction for just about anything. Besides, Baekhyun works hard, plays hard and punches nerves in the gut - just perfect for how Jongdae’s feeling, too.

“Ya, you punk,” Baekhyun says, scooting Jongdae upwards so Jongdae is parallel against the headboard, then arranging himself to lie as spread-eagled as possible on the king-sized bed. “Move over, you’re taking up too much space.”

“You’re taking up the whole bed,” Jongdae laughs, but Baekhyun just inches upwards, reaching his hands up to find Jongdae’s waist so he can pull himself closer and pillow his head on the small of Jongdae’s back. The way Baekhyun does it, with maximum contact and weight on Jongdae, pushes a bit of Jongdae’s shirt up so Baekhyun’s newly-dried hair tickles his skin.

“As I should,” Baekhyun tells him - Jongdae doesn’t need to see his face to know Baekhyun’s definitely smug about this, and it makes Jongdae laugh, even though he’s someone’s pillow right now. Gladly so, in all honesty. Maybe Jongdae’s finally found the best weapon to combat nervousness.

Baekhyun shifts around a little, humming one of his songs from his musical. “Wow, this view,” comes Baekhyun’s pleased-sounding voice, and Jongdae should have expected it, when Baekhyun pats his butt. “Cute.”

Jongdae just laughs, his ears suddenly, for some reason, on fire. Maybe in the quiet of the room with just Baekhyun’s laugh to hold this is a lot more intimate than it has ever been, but Jongdae’s butt is pretty cute.

“So I’ve been told,” Jongdae says, wiggling it a little - it’s difficult with Baekhyun’s head on him, but he manages to pull a laugh out of Baekhyun, too. Baekhyun rolls over so he literally plants his face in Jongdae’s butt, his nose fitting - strangely well - in the crack.

“Hey,” Jongdae says just as Baekhyun murmurs “it’s soft, too,” and it makes Jongdae laugh, again, almost shy, now that Baekhyun is practically nuzzling his bum through the thin fabric of his boxers. This is Baekhyun, which makes Jongdae’s hot ears ridiculous, but then again this is Baekhyun. Jongdae can’t deny that his best friend is stellar at teasing everything out of himself - Baekhyun could put it on his resume. Jongdae’s kind of glad he can’t watch Baekhyun watch his ears on fire.

Baekhyun’s fingers are poking around on his butt, now, and it’s much more ticklish than Jongdae would have expected. Baekhyun’s had his hands on Jongdae’s ass several occasions now - as has any other EXO member, but like this with Baekhyun’s giggles dusting over his fingers it’s almost too much and Jongdae wiggles on reflex, not quite helping the squeal that escapes his throat.

“What are you doing,” Jongdae turns around as much as he can, still on his tummy, to see Baekhyun rolled over so his cheek is pillowed on the back of Jongdae’s thighs, graduating to squeezing Jongdae’s butt. Jongdae can’t - doesn’t want to move; there’s a little buzz of excitement, anticipation that’s tickling his veins instead. Baekhyun makes faces that look cute as fuck, still squeezing.

“So comfy,” Baekhyun declares like he’s passing judgment for science, “You can be my pillow from today.”

Jongdae narrows his eyes, though he’s smiling. “Pillow, huh?”

“Mmmm,” Baekhyun rolls back so his face is mushed in Jongdae’s butt, his voice muffled. “I’ll think about the other stuff you can do.”

Like this Jongdae can’t look at Baekhyun anymore, but Baekhyun’s nose is wedged comfortably in the cleft of his butt and Jongdae quite has to turn back and focus on Baekhyun humming Your Body is a Wonderland so he can ignore the strange tightness where Baekhyun is.

“Man, this is really nice,” Baekhyun says after a while, lifting his head to lay his cheek on Jongdae’s. “Like boobs, but closer to treasure.”

It surprises a laugh out of Jongdae, and he rolls over against the headboard so Baekhyun slides off him and looks up at him, lip out in a pout. “Treasure?”

“Treasure,” Baekhyun affirms with a grin, nodding at Jongdae’s dick.

Flattery feels pretty charming when it’s coming out of Baekhyun’s mouth, so Jongdae laughs and catches his eye. “So how long have you been wanting to suck my dick?”

Baekhyun shrugs, tongue peeking out to wet his lips and it speeds Jongdae’s pulse up a little. “A couple times, I don’t know,” he says it casually like this isn’t a weird conversation to have with your best friend in the same group. Best friend status aside, Jongdae’s gotta say Baekhyun is attractive, and it’s not like Jongdae hasn’t thought of sucking Baekhyun’s dick, even back when they’d been practising for Immortal Song together and Jongdae had watched Baekhyun slosh water down his neck from messy drinking like every bad porn cliche. Plus, apparently butt massages are a turn on for Jongdae.

“You should,” he says, just as casually.

“Really?” Baekhyun’s eyes are gleaming with the playfulness Jongdae’s familiar with, looking up at Jongdae. The tip of Baekhyun’s canines in his grin - okay, so maybe Jongdae’s half-hard.

Jongdae shrugs, wiggling out of his boxers so he’s faces Baekhyun, who bounds up on his knees, grinning fit to burst. “Gonna make this the best blowjob you ever get,” Baekhyun says, dipping his head as he reaches to hold Jongdae's dick.

It’s kind of weird, having your best friend hold your dick and press his tongue hot to the tip, but again, this is Baekhyun, and Jongdae has no doubts Baekhyun is a pro. Just watching Baekhyun make little bubble O’s around the tip of his dick, so lightly it almost tickles, pulls the coil inside tauter, and it really takes no more than Baekhyun’s mouth sliding up to reach the base of Jongdae’s cock in one fluid motion and sucking hard, just once before letting go to have Jongdae go rigid in Baekhyun’s hand.

“See,” Baekhyun laughs, looking up so Jongdae can see his lips slick with spit. “Told you it’s gonna be good.”

Jongdae doesn’t have much time to reply - Baekhyun’s kissing him, now, still holding Jongdae’s dick between them, slowly like he’s out to seduce. Jongdae can’t remember if it’d felt this good all the times they’d kissed - made out - so hammered they couldn’t see straight, but right now with Baekhyun’s hand absently massaging Jongdae’s dick, his thumb rubbing against the side, and Baekhyun’s hot little tongue sneaking its way past Jongdae’s lips, it feels really fucking good. His dick is barely wet from Baekhyun’s spit, so it chafes, but it’s a good kind of rough.

“Mmmm,” Jongdae says when the kiss gets messy enough that Baekhyun’s snaked his hand up to fist the hair at the back of Jongdae’s hair. “I thought you were going to suck me off.”

“Easy, tiger,” Baekhyun rolls his eyes, “I always make good on my promises.”

“Like the time you promised you were gonna wash my white shirt and return it to -” Jongdae shuts up when Baekhyun squeezes his dick, just hard enough to turn his veins inside out, and stays so as Baekhyun licks down the underside of Jongdae’s cock, ending with a flick at the tip. Baekhyun pulls no punches sucking his dick - Jongdae can feel that coil building up again and when Baekhyun sucks particularly hard, Jongdae makes the mistake to open his eyes and look down. The mere sight of Baekhyun’s pretty pink lips around his dick, looking almost filthy with how slick and swollen they are, is almost enough to pull Jongdae to the brink, and he’s fisting the sheets hard enough for his knuckles to white.

“Close?” Baekhyun asks, his eyebrow quirking as the corner of his lips turns up in a smirk, and Jongdae is really fucking hard right now.

"Maybe," he says, watching the bow of Baekhyun's lip catch the light, and Baekhyun presses his lips to the tip of Jongdae's dick in an open-mouthed kiss, sucking a little when he lets go so he makes a small sound. Several more kisses, as Baekhyun curls his fingers around Jongdae's balls to tease them a little, and Jongdae's spine is buzzing with how close he is. He's wondering if Baekhyun will mind if he comes in -

"You can come in my mouth," Baekhyun says around a mouthful of Jongdae, still managing to grin. The glance he gives Jongdae through his lashes works Jongdae much closer to the edge. "I don't mind."

"I'm not - that close," Jongdae manages, but when Baekhyun sucks hard, again, holding Jongdae's balls hot in the palm of his hand then drumming his fingers against the side of his balls, Jongdae has to eat his words as he comes, stutteringly, spilling come over Baekhyun's lips.

"Heh," Baekhyun grins and peeks a tongue out to lick it up, straightening between Jongdae's knees. "I'm good, right?"

Jongdae's spent, leaning against the headboard on the tail end of his orgasm. "Yeah," he rasps, clearing his throat. "That was pretty good." He smiles grudgingly at Baekhyun’s crescent eyes - might as well give credit when it's due. Jongdae really hasn't gotten off so satisfyingly in a while.

Baekhyun’s grin catches his lower lip under his teeth, then he releases it easily so the bunch of his lip is enticing in the soft light. “What’re you gonna give me in return,” Baekhyun asks, sitting back on his heels. His boner under his boxers is strikingly obvious, but Jongdae pretends not to see it.

“Hey, real friends don’t ask for things in return,” Jongdae laughs, looking up at Baekhyun, who just reaches over to pinch him hard in the thigh.

“You dick,” Baekhyun mock-huffs, but he’s smiling. “Suck me off.”

Jongdae just rolls his eyes, sits up so he can ease Baekhyun’s boxers off his hips, and wraps a hand around Baekhyun’s cock to tug him over. “If you come here and kiss me, then.”

Now it’s slower, Baekhyun kissing like this is something to be savoured, making just the tiniest laugh when Jongdae sucks lightly on his lower lip. The slip and slide of Baekhyun’s lips against Jongdae’s, his tongue in Jongdae’s mouth is so easy that it has Jongdae thinking he’d be quite happy to kiss Baekhyun a lot more, and it makes him roll Baekhyun’s dick in the palm of his hand slowly. It feels just as good hearing the small noises Baekhyun makes under his breath as it had earlier, Baekhyun sucking him off.

“Are you gonna get lube,” Baekhyun murmurs on Jongdae’s lip, pulling away to look at Jongdae’s hand, his erection between them. Jongdae opens his palm flat to release Baekhyun’s cock, then hits his balls with his knuckle.

“I thought maybe you might like being jerked off dry,” Jongdae shrugs, stealing another kiss so Baekhyun can’t get mad. Baekhyun bites his lip just hard enough for it to sting a little.

“Hey,” Jongdae pouts before he can help it. “Where would I get some? You think Chanyeol has any?”

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, jerks his thumb at his luggage open haphazardly on the floor. “I have some. In the clear unlabeled bottle.”

“Wow,” Jongdae says as he hops off the bed to scrabble in Baekhyun’s luggage. “Really? What if Sehun barged in here with a camera and said he was filming for something?”

“And your point is...” Baekhyun quirks an eyebrow as Jongdae retrieves the bottle in question. It could be a million other things, Jongdae has to give it to Baekhyun.

“Better?” Jongdae asks as he spreads a good amount onto Baekhyun’s dick, jerking slowly up the shaft.

“Mmmm,” Baekhyun hums, winding his hand around the base of Jongdae’s head and slips his tongue back in Jongdae’s laugh. Jongdae swirls his tongue around the tip of Baekhyun’s as he smooths his thumb over the underside of Baekhyun’s cock, then rubs the ridge where the head of his cock meets the shaft. It’s experimental, and Jongdae’s just trying all the things he likes, but Baekhyun seems to like it too, going by the small moan he makes around Jongdae’s tongue.

Baekhyun’s kissing sloppier, now, but Jongdae snakes his hand down so he can massage Baekhyun’s balls too as Jongdae makes a little O with his index finger and thumb to tug gently towards the shaft. Baekhyun’s got his hand fisted in Jongdae’s hair, and the way it gets tighter as Baekhyun breaks for air with his eyes squeezed shut as Jongdae gives a harder squeeze at the tip of his dick is pleasing. It’s obvious Baekhyun’s enjoying it, and what can Jongdae say - he’s a people pleaser.

Now it’s Jongdae leading the kiss, letting Baekhyun’s lower lip go with a satisfying pop, and it takes just a couple of twists Jongdae makes around Baekhyun’s cock for Baekhyun to come, holding Jongdae’s waist so hard he thinks it’s probably going to bruise as he does. Baekhyun’s come streaks Jongdae’s thigh warm.

“I was pretty good too, huh,” Jongdae grins as he swipes a finger through the come, tastes it. Baekhyun cracks an eye open to stick his tongue out at Jongdae, then swipes the rest of his come off Jongdae’s skin.

“Good enough,” Baekhyun says, sticking his fingers in Jongdae’s mouth, and the next day right before they go on stage, a wink from Baekhyun even across the waiting room is all it takes to fire Jongdae all the way up. Stage-ready.

g: smut, p: baekhyun/jongdae, r: nc-17, f: exo, a: rubyls

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