songfic meme (beast/secret)

Jul 21, 2011 20:22

Music Playlist Meme (taken from clayray3290)
ten beast/secret ficlets written with a song prompt each. pg-13 unless otherwise stated in cut.

借口 (Excuses) - SHE | Junhyung/Sunhwa

The first time Junhyung arrives late and brushes it off with a cheerful sorry, Sunhwa lets it go.

The second time it happens, Sunhwa gets a little angry, but she stops when Junhyung hands her a daisy cut from a park.

The sixth time it happens, Junhyung doesn’t really bother to apologise anymore, and Sunhwa can’t bring herself to mention it.

The eleventh time it happens, Hyosung is the one who has to make Sunhwa let go. The only thing worse than losing Junhyung, Sunhwa thinks, is admitting that he had never been fighting to keep her in the first place.

That Person Then - Hyorin | Kikwang/Hyosung

Kikwang is a little bit nervous when he meets Hyosung for the first time in twelve years, and a little bit happy. He wants to know how Hyosung’s been, what she’s doing now, if she has been happy? But of course, there was no way he’d ever say the last question aloud.

Hyosung smiles her usual smile when she sees him, that smile that breaks on her features like the sunrise and tugs the corners of his own mouth up, like it always had. They make smooth conversation, they smile, except Kikwang feels the awkwardness beneath the perfunctory greetings. It crawls under his skin and stays there like an itch.

It’s still there when he’s back in his bed, fisting his sheets and feeling his eyes grow hot and wet.

Just Like Now - Donghae and Ryeowook | Doojoon/Hyosung

Doojoon schools his features so they don’t break out into a smile, and continues walking.

He doesn’t chance a glance at Hyosung in case she’s looking at him too, though he really, really wants to; though he’s burning to. His pinky brushes against Hyosung’s, a smudge of sweetness against his skin, and out of the corner of his eye he sees Hyosung’s hand flinch a little at the touch. Is that a smile on her face he sees? He’s not sure.

They walk as they pointedly avoid looking at each other, Doojoon edging closer to Hyosung with every step, just minuscule increments as he closes the distance. When his entire arm is touching Hyosung’s, his pinky finds hers, and he smiles as he crooks it around hers.

如果你是女孩 (If You Were A Girl) - SHE | Yoseob/Jieun

Jieun grins when she sees Yoseob come out in a wig and makeup, her smile so bright that Yoseob thinks it’s ridiculous.

“You’re enjoying this a little too much,” Yoseob observes.

Jieun just smiles in an annoyingly obnoxious way, then playfully links her arm in Yoseob’s. “Let’s go shopping!”

Yoseob really, really wonders why he agreed to this in the first place.

“Look!” Jieun says when they reach an accessories store, holding out a pink hairclip.

“You’re supposed to squeal over this with me,” she reminds him, and Yoseob starts regretting his agreement to be a girl for a day.

“Uh, okay,” Yoseob says, clearing his throat. “Wow!” He squeals in not a bad imitation of Jieun.

Jieun hits him good-naturedly, then skips over to the other displays. Yoseob sighs, tugging at his wig where it was itching his scalp. He's never going to make her angry again, and he's never ever going to agree to her ridiculous suggestions for his redemption again.

躺在你的衣柜 (Lying in Your Closet) - Cheer Chen | Hyunseung/Zinger

Hyunseung hates it when Hana is angry. Her mouth purses up into a line nothing like the full lips he’s used to pressing his own to, she doesn’t speak, and her eyes flash dark.

“I can’t do this with you anymore, Seung,” she says, and she leaves, her back squared and taut, like she has the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Hyunseung can’t find anything in himself, and especially not courage, to follow her and grab her hand.

He just thinks of her cardigan, the one that smells like her, the one that she had worn when they had taken that day trip to Jeju, the one that had accompanied them to quite a few coffee outings, in his closet, white as snow and clouds and voids.

春天的呐喊 (Screams of Summer) - Mayday | Junhyung/Jieun

Junhyung really likes the feel of the wind on his cheek when he guns his motorcycle down the highway, the engine’s roars drowning out all his troubles and anger and teenage angst.

“Ssshhhh,” he tells Jieun when she’s ready to crumple her worksheet in frustration, and drags her onto his motorcycle.

“Now you can let it all out,” he says, and revs the engine.

Jieun yells a little hesitantly at first, but Junhyung turns around for a minute and looks at her, and she nods. She yells about schoolwork, about the boy who sits next to her who keeps hitting on her, about the teacher who is always mean to her, about not making the part in the school’s year-end musical. She yells with Junhyung, yells till her voice turns sore, and then Junhyung stops and watches as Jieun removes her helmet and shakes her hair free in the summer heat, a genuine smile on her face.

He matches her smile.

可乐戒指 (Soda Ring) - Fish Leong | Kikwang/Sunhwa

Sunhwa rearranges her skirt and sits down daintily, but Kikwang just reins his smile in and plants a small kiss near the corner of her mouth. They settle down on the hill with the spring breeze in their hair and talk about the weather, the flowers, forevers.

Sunhwa plays with her fingers during their conversation, and Kikwang decides the lack of jewelry on them is unsettling, so he picks up his soda can and pulls the tab off. He picks up Sunhwa’s left hand and fits the tab on her finger; it doesn’t fit perfectly, and there are no carats to go by, but her smile shines brighter than any diamond ring could.

Sorry Sorry (Answer) - Super Junior | Doojoon/Hyosung

Doojoon’s ears are on fire - his neck, his face is scorching, burning hot. He moves closer to Hyosung though there isn’t any distance between them anyway, and leans into the kiss. It’s slow, sensual; he sneaks his tongue out when she curves her hand round his neck, slowly, leisurely. She separates her lips, hesitantly at first, and Doojoon tastes her, slides his tongue over her lip, over her tongue.

He’s desperate for more, anything, but he knows to take it slow, so he keeps his hand on her waist, her waist only, and then suddenly Hyosung is arching herself closer, just a bit closer, so Doojoon slips his hand underneath her shirt.

He inches up, slowly, feeling Hyosung melting into his kiss, and then when he finally reaches the swell of her breast and unhooks her bra, he’s so fucking hard it kind of physically hurts, even.

Hyosung pulls back a little to graze her teeth over his lip, and her eyes flash, just for a moment, dark with want. Doojoon smirks.

One Fine Spring Day - Ryeowook | Yoseob/Jieun

Yoseob takes the same route every day, turns in at the same junction, greets the same nurses at the counter, enters the same room.

He fluffs up Jieun’s pillow and dabs at her lips with a wet tissue and brushes a lock of hair out of her face. He’s glad for her hair, actually, because other than these wide brushstrokes of brown, Jieun is swallowed up in the white of her hospital cot.

It’s a beautiful spring day, the birds and flowers singing in the wind, the grass green as emeralds, sparkling with dew and promise. It’s a happy scene, but Yoseob can’t really remember the last time he laughed.

Yoseob shifts in his hard plastic chair and watches Jieun, one minute of the evening bleeding into the next, one day into the next.

Electric Heart - SHINee | Dongwoon/Zinger

“Hi,” Hana smiles as she meets Dongwoon for the first time at Yoseob’s sixth birthday party. Dongwoon talks to her and they strike up a conversation, Hana twisting her French braids that her mother did that morning shyly, her six-year-old mind not yet able to understand why Dongwoon speaks slightly stiltingly, robotically.

They meet often after that to have playdates, and she gets used to his speech later; it’s just one of his quirks. She pops by his place and hides behind a tree on his birthday when they are seven, eager to give him a surprise, but she’s the one who gets a shock when she sees Dongwoon’s mother open his chest and remove his heart - not a pulsing, red heart but a cold, metal chip the size of a disk drive, to tighten its screws.

Dongwoon doesn’t understand why Hana refuses to meet him. He waits outside her house, calling her name repeatedly (but she never answers, watching fearfully from her window), till the rainstorm finally seeps through his organic gel-silicone hybrid skin and rusts his insides.

g: romance, p: yoseob/jieun, a: rubyls, r: nc-17, p: hyunseung/zinger, f: beast, p: kikwang/hyosung, g: angst, p: junhyung/sunhwa, p: junhyung/jieun, r: pg-13, f: secret, p: kikwang/sunhwa, p: doojoon/hyosung, g: crack, g: fluff, p: dongwoon/zinger

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