Oct 20, 2007 16:52



I am so loving my place! I love the peace that I have! I've never been so happy!

However I have been on the go so much that I haven't truly had the chance to soak it all in and just enjoy being here. However today, I am just chilling -something that I plan on doing all day.

Thursday night we had a horrible storm blow through but my town just got rain. But the town I work in that is about 20 minutes away had an EF3 tornado! Friday I heard on the news that there was alot of destruction and that the roads that lead into town were closed. So going on what the company I work for says regarding company closings I did not hear if we were closed or not and headed to work. I tried to call and there was no response due to the phone and power lines being down.Well, the traffic leading to the town was gridlocked and the police had us all turn around and go home. The town issued a state of emergency meaning stay home and don't try to come. When I got home I learned that the company I work for was among one of the many places that got alot of damage. At this point, it's not determined when we will be able to return to work. It is estimated by Wednesday. It kinda sucks because If I don't work, I don't get paid. Monday I am going to check to see if I am able to draw unemployment for the days I am off.

Other than that, I have come to realize some of the  people around me or are associated with in some way  are just total asses. PHONY, TRANSPARENT AND SORRY. I don't understand as to why in the hell they choose  to be the way they are  and treat people the way the way they do and then have the audacity to think they are being done wrong if they are treated that way. I never understand that.
I guess I'm at the point where enough is ENOUGH.  I have had enough of alot of B.S. and it's time for it to come to an end. However it hasn't brought me down and I feel great.

Bree is doing well. She is being a typical 18 year old and carries on like a total air head. She's been working hard and preparing for school in January. She herself is super happy about the fact we have moved into a place of our own.  She has met another guy -he seems nice. However I hope she is cautious this go around.

That's it for now. I have more.  I have company coming (JIm and his pathetic daughter *rolleyes*)  for dinner. I will be back to post later on!
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