Ok, I'm horrible at finishing homework, I look for just about anything to distract myself with and well, this was the perfect thing...
Time started: 1:45 am
First name: Joe
Single or Taken: Single
Sex: Male last time I checked... yep, still male
Birthday: May 19, 1984
Sign: Taurus
Siblings: Paul and Stephen
Eye color: They go back and forth between brown and teal(I know, it's a weird color)
Hair color: brown
Height: 6'1
Innie or outie: Innie
What are you wearing right now: dockers, a T-Shirt, and an unbuttoned dress shirt(I never got changed after i got home from work)
Can you make a dollar in change right now: Heh, I could probably make about $20 in change with just the stuff on my desk alone
Where is your fav place to shop: Hmmm... I don't really shop that often, but I guess Aeropostale (too lazy to do the fancy accent mark)
Color: Blue... though I'll admit it, I like purple too. It's the color of royalty so don't make fun of it!
Number: 123, i know, it looks simple, but it's got some meaning to it for me...
Animals: I guess dogs, though birds are cool to watch(not own!) and I've got a little squirrel friend who lives in the tree outside my window
Month: April/May... I love the spring
Movies: Hmmm.... Rent was pretty good cause I like the songs, Waiting was funny because it reminded me of working at McDonalds, for some reason, Jim Carrey as god was amusing so Bruce Almighty has to go in here. Hmm... I'm done with this one though cause it's not much fun.
Juice: Orange Juice... unless you're talking for drinks, then it's Cranberry
Breakfast: Heh, I barely get to class/work on time, do you really think I have time for breakfast?
Have you ever...
Given anyone a bath: Nope
Bungee jumped: Nope
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: I don't know who thought that would be a good idea... closest thing i've done is put my wet hand in a freezer and hat it get stuck to a wall
Broken a bone: Nope
Played truth or dare: Yeah
Been in a police car: Nope, thankfully
Come close to dying: When I was 7 our car was parked on a hill as my mom was walking our friend to his front door and my 3 year old brother somehow took the car out of park and we started rolling down the hill. I jumped in the front seat(kicking the girl next to me out of the car by accident... her fingers got run over as a result) and managed to turn the wheel so the car rolled off the road and up hill, by then my mom came out after hearing the screaming and actually managed to jump in the car as it was moving. If I had turned the wheel the wrong way or not done anything, we would have gone down a really steep hill and crashed... heh, and I have a single clue what I was doing. (It was only afterwards that my mom explained how Park, and the brake work)
Been in a sauna: Yeah
Been in a hot tub: We own one, so yeah, alot
Swam in the ocean: Every summer
Fallen asleep in school: I don't think I've all out fallen asleep, but I've definatly come close and dazed out
Ran away: Nope
Broken someone's heart: Nope, just been on the receiving end of that
Cried when someone died: yes, my grandfather.
Fell off your chair: More times than I care to admit
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Fallen asleep with my cell phone in my hand... does that count?
Saved AIM conversations: I have a logger. It's the best thing ever because I do tend to forget what I've said to people (and sometimes who they are)
Saved e-mails: Yeah
Fallen for one of your best friends? Nope
Made out with JUST a friend? No, I tend to think if you're making out, then you're not JUST friends.
Used someone: Not that i'm aware of
Been cheated on: Yes...
What is...
Your good luck charm: This coin that I always have on me...
What is beside you? two partially built computers, a garbage can, two empty bottles of alcohol(I just didn't throw them out, I don't drink that much), I dunno, a whole bunch of stuff...
Last thing you ate/drank: Oreo's and Coke
Best thing that has happened to you this year: Got a job at BD
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: Hmmm... well, last July's still within this year, so being cheated on tops that one hands down.
Have you had...
Chicken pox: yes
Sore throat: yes
Surgery: no
Stitches: no
Broken nose: no
Do you...
Believe in love at first sight: It's possible, but I think "loving" someone right away and "loving" them in the long run are actually two seperate things. Love at first sight tends to just be when you do both.
Like picnics: I don't not like picnics
Like school: Not really, but it's one of those things you have to do to get anywhere in the world
What schools have you gone to: Hamburg Elementary, Wallkill Valley Regional HS, William Paterson University
Would you eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: no, i've got this thing about eating things that are all in one piece, and being alive is just way too weird
If you were stuck on an island, what person would you want with you? Probably my brother stephen because he could keep me amused, but really I don't think there's anyone i'd want to be with for that much time
Who was the last person that called you: Paul, we were making plan's for dinner
Who was the last person you slow danced with? wow, that's a way's back. Either Nicole, or it might have been the bride at the wedding in minnesota
What makes you laugh the most? Heh, stephen
What makes you smile? To be honest, lots of things
Last person...
You loved: I don't know... I wouldn't say that I've "loved" anyone so far. I thought I did at the time, but looking back I wouldn't call that love
You yelled at: Hmm... don't remember. I guess Becky if you count online, but beyond that I can't remember the last time I yelled
Who last told you they loved you: Well, the words weren't exactly I love you, but I think that one goes to Charlene
Who is your loudest friend: Stephen can be loud, but really I don't hang out with loud people too often. They bug me
Who you kissed: Hmmm, can't remember that one either
Do you/Are You...
Do you like filling these out? Only when they allow me to put off homework
Do you wear contacts or glasses? no, though lately i've been thinking I do need to get my eyes checked. I think it's bad when you can't read the highway signs till you get right too them.
Do you like yourself? Yeah, I do. I figure that's at least one person who like me, so any beyond that is a bonus.
Do you get along w/ your family: Yeah
Stolen anything over $50: Does downloading software count? If so then yes.
Obsessive? At times
Compulsive? I don't think so
Anorexic? No, though I have missed meals on many occasions, but that's because I either don't have time or I just forget to eat.
Final questions
What are you listening to right now? Lucas Prada - And She Said
What did you do yesterday: Spent most of the day in class, made plans to go bowling sunday.
Hated someone in your family: Nah, I don't think i've ever hated them
Got any awards: Yeah
Where do you want to get married: I have absolutely no idea, heh, but seeing as how it seems like girls plan that since they're 8 I think who ever my wife would be would probably care a lot more than I would
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I wish I could come up with more things to talk about in conversations
Good singer: I don't know, maybe. I never sing in front of people though.
How many remote controls are in your house: Heh, we probably have more remotes lost in our house than most people have in total
Are you double jointed? Like you wouldn't believe. I'm full of weird stuff(not my back though, so I can't do the wierd pretzle stuff)
Last time you took a bath: Bath? Sometime within the past year. Shower was just this morning
Scary or happy movies: I guess happy, but scary can be good too
Black or white: white
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Coke or sprite, beyond that I don't like any of it
Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
Skiing or boarding: Boarding, definatly. Though I do want to try ski boarding
Summer or winter: neither, I love Spring
Silver or gold: Gold
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or sunrise: Sunset, because sunrise means i've been up too late
Sprite or 7up?: Sprite, though I don't mind 7up
Cats or dogs: I have both, though the dogs seem to be less annoying when they want stuff
Coffee or tea: Neither
Phone or in person: Person, I'm horrible at phone convesation.
Are you the oldest, middle, or youngest child: Oldest
Indoor or outdoor: Depends on the weather
Three things that scare you:
1. Jumping Spiders. Actually any insect that jumps just bothers me a lot.
2. Bees and any variations of them. I'm not allergic or anything, I just absolutly hate them.
3. Zombies. Any time I watch a zombie movie, I spend the next few weeks thinking of just how to survive if zombies did actually show up.
Three of your everyday essentials:
1. Keys
2. Wallet
3. Cell Phone
Those are the three things I check for in my pocket before I leave to go anywhere. I don't actually check for them, I just count to make sure I have three things. It back fires when I have something else in my pocket though...
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Dockers
2. T-shirt
3. Unbuttoned Dress shirt (this sure sounds familiar)
Three things you need in a relationship:
1. Honesty
2. Loyalty
3. Time Together
Two truths and a lie in no order:
1. I hate homework
2. I'm majoring in Accounting because of the money
3. I worry about the future
Three PHYSICAL things about the opposite sex that appeal to you:
1. Hair
2. Smile
3. Size (I like people smaller than me, a girl taller than me is scary!!)
Three of your favourite hobbies:
1. Programming
2. Reading the News(I check it so often when i get bored that it does count as a hobby)
3. Video Games
Three things you want to do really badly RIGHT NOW:
1. Be done with this homework
2. Go to sleep
3. Hang out with someone (It gets lonely at 2:30)
Three places you want to go:
1. Hawii
2. Europe
3. California
Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Skydive
2. Be the main cause of an international incident
3. Be turned into a cyborg (Heh, this might be result in #2 occuring)
Three things that annoy you:
1. People who get pissed over stupid little things
2. People who don't tell you no and string you along instead
3. People who cheat (no these aren't all the same person)
Four people I would like to see take this quiz--
Heh, I'll be amazed if four people read this, let alone take it.
Also it's weird that just as I hit the detect music now button, the same song that was playing when I answered the "What are you listening to right now" question came on again.
Well, back to work I guess...