Aug 29, 2009 13:59
ok since i have no idea how to do the linky thing im just writing what ive been thinking lately about people...
jack: i miss you as a friend... and i dont feel its awkward anymore... and i hope you still consider me as a close friend because thats what i consider you to be...
amanda: my gosh i love you... you're like the tightest person (with the exception of matt.) sorry but speaking of matt.. its been bugging me but i keep forgetting. that can you be nice? please you and matt are soo close to me and it sucks when you two fight.
allie: you're a close friend to me but sometimes you act like you know me really really well... and i think we dont talk enough to be that close... and i need to say something... about the band... i honor your decision to quit... but i think you shouldnt feel awkward if amanda, jack, matt, you , and me hang out... because honestly you and amanda, jack, matt are my closest friends so you should realize that like for ex. that day at 6 flags was really fun hanging out the 5 of us soo.... yea
matt: i love you to infinity and beyond... i've never ever ever loved someone so much... i think sometimes i love you more than my own mother.... but do you wanna play nice with allie and amanda... cuz like today when you were gonna text someone angrily i hated it... or when you complain about how they're mean to you i hate it... it puts me in a really bad position...
thats it...