Nov 03, 2008 09:21
It's been ages since I've updated this thing (again), but this time at least I have a good excuse for it!
Okay, so update that encompasses the events of the last couple of weeks:
I've had to change families, because a couple of weeks ago Hughes (former host-dad) though that it would be a brilliant idea to tell Virginie (former host-mim) that he wanted a divorce. Virginie then attempted suicide by overdose at four in the morning but failed dismally as she's still alive - but in hospital for god knows how long - and so far as I know, Hughes is still wanting a divorce.
And just so everyone knows, I think that Hughes is a absolute, fucking tool. Honestly, what kind of retard thinks to themselves : Hmm, I have on daughter in India where there's bombings happening right where she lives, another daughter in Armenia which is rightnext to two countries at war, an exchange student in my house who's the only support for my &( year daughter at home and my wife's nearly at breaking point with stress from that and from work... Let's get divorced!!!
As I said - total tool. And what's more, a couple of days before all that shit went down he actually asked Mathilde "If you had to choose between your mother and me, who would you choose?" WHAT. THE. FUCK?! He's a self-centered fuck-wit who thinks only of himself and how he's feeling and what he wants and not at all how it will affect the people who he should be thinking about. Helène is the one I sympathise the most with (daughter in India, with AFS), I can't even imagine how I'd react if I got the same kinda news while I was over here! And Since I had to move out of the family MAthilde has fucking no-one to support her cause her sister's are in different countries, her Mum's in hospital and her Dad's a bitch.
Anyway, luckily it was just coming up to the holidays since I had to change families really quickly (as AFS, in their infinite wisdom, thought that it probably really wasn't a situation conducive to my personal growth), so I spent the first two days with the head AFS co-ordinateur de la Region de Bretagne, which was pretty cool - I saw my first match of proper football ever!
It was actually really impressive and way more interesting than I was expecting. Watching the players warm up for the match I was like 'Okay, maybe they're not a total bunch of wusses.' And at either end of of the field, behind the goals, the hard out supporters of each club had gotten seats for everyone in their club and they were doing special chants and stuff for their teams the entire match.
My team didn't pull hollywoods!!! I'm a supporter of the Bretagne Football club (because in France you have to supprt someone) and it was awesome whenever they got tackled cuz instead of lying pretending to be in pain, they'd just do a little flippy rolly thing so that they were back on their feet and keep on going. The other team, however, were awful for the Hollywoods. Each time they got tackled they'd like on the ground for ages waiting for the ref to notice so that they could try and get one of my guys kicked of the team - total bitchy wimpiness.
And the spectators! The range of different people there was amazing and every single one was fully into the match - I remember looking up at one point and seeing two little old ladies (really nice looking ones) flipping off the ref lol. Which leads me to say that when players foul other player or whatever in a game of football, the crowd doesn't do the massive booing thing that we do in NZ. Instead they all start doing those really loud, piercing whistles, which is somewhat more effective because it hurts your ears.
So yeah, after that I moved in with my new family, who on all accounts are pretty gosh-darn great. I have two brothers and one sister now - Arthur (12), Quentin (16) and Pauline (17). They all play basketball - the boys especially are really obsessed with it - and so they're all tanned, toned and gorgeous... Brilliant incentive for me to not be Another Fat Student haha. I'm thinking about asking if there's a handball team that I can join up with - basketball is second choice, but I don't wanna seem like I'm trying too too hard to fit in with the family - it's always good to be an individual!
Now living in Rennes, not too far from the Centre Ville, which is cool cuz "Omigosh - shopping!!!" But bad because I'm having to change schools sicne I live too far away from my old one to go there anymore. It's pretty much like arriving in France all over again, which is annoying, yet kinda fun at the same time.
Alright, so that's my big update, I'll update again on the Friday or Saturday hopefully, to update everyone on my first days in my new school lol.
Wish me luck!