Dec 22, 2005 22:31 break has been soo much fun so far...and...I got my grades back yesterday and I'm extremely happy about that too!!
The break started out last Thursday w/ an eventful night playing in the snow w/ Liz, Shannon, Marzi and Matt. None of us had on the proper attire, and we froze our asses off, but it was nonetheless fun jumping into the snow. Friday I worked from 6-2, and my baby was home by the time I got out. I was soo excited to see him! We ate at Jimmy John's, went to the mall and then rented Serendipity.
Saturday my mom's side of the fam had our annual christmas thing at my house, so my mom invited Andrew to come so he could meet that side of the family. It was pretty funny, my cousins, Andrew, and I ended up watching Frosty the Snowman, which is pretty ridiculous if you ask me lol.
Sunday I worked all day and then went in Kleiber dawg's hot tub w/ Andrew, Kleiber, Matt, and Nicole. Kim and AJ stopped over later on too. It sucked having to get out of the hot tub and walk through the snow lol.
Monday I worked from 6-2, and then went to Liz's house for our sledding extravaganza that never happened. Instead, Liz, Katie, Andrew, Matt and I ended up going to McDonalds. Big surprise lol. Their card swiper wasn't working so they just gave Andrew and I are food for free, which rocked.
Tuesday Andrew, my brother Danny, and I went to the Pistons game vs. Portland. The game was close the whole time, but they won. It was so exciting. We also went to Fuddruckers, where my brother spilt a glass of water on me and got my pants all wet. lol..goooood times.
Last night I worked all day and then Andrew and I rented Mr. and Mrs. Smith. That's about it for that night. Then today I had to get a cavity filled :c(....then Andrew and I went to Tony's...set up all my digital camera stuff that he got me for christmas :c)...ate dinner at my house...went and saw Having Fun w/ Dick and Jane....and now he's playing video games w/ my brother.
Hope everyone is having an awesome break!