Feb 26, 2005 11:48
Here i am sittin in my Kitchen watching my lil brother as he sits in his umm? what the hell is it called?Umm its like this thing were he can sit in it.. and like he uses his feet to move around.. i forgot.. but he's using his feet to move aroudn the kitchen.. he's squeling and smiling liek a lil piggy? i really have no idea what he's smiling at..lol But yeah home is ok, i kindda wonder what my suite mates are doin though? cuz it gets kindda lonely here at home, jus me and the baby. My brother and dad are at work, and liek we all know my mom is in Texas.. She called me yesturday telling me how beautiful it was.. the weather is 60 degrees and its sunny.. I was like.. yeah Rub it in more why don't u..She's comin back tomorrow though.. into cold ass connecticut.. HAHA.. So yeah taken care of Addriel is not that hard.. i have to sleep with him too, but he only woke up once today at 4am.. for a bottle then he fell asleep and woke up at 8.. my mom alwayz tells me what a hassle he is.. LIAR! i think she just wants my sympathy ..minorities these dayz.. lol So there is nothing much else to say, but i can't wait to get back to school.. i know people are missing the minority as much as the minority misses them..lol