this turned out to be a long one.. sorry in advance.

May 22, 2005 07:21

wow. today is starting out early. i'm going to the art fair today in EL with my mom, and sissy, and maybe ashley.. but i don't know if she'll wake up or not. we shall see i guess. my mom wants to leave around 9:30 or 9:45. i think i was afraid of over sleeping or something because i kept waking up and couldn't sleep well anymore, so i decided.. fuck it. and here i am now wide awake, and it's way too early in the morning. and the part the is kind of sucky is all the girls went up to pentwater.. well rachie, kristen, jami, and jen t, i think is all. i had to miss promapalooza 2005. :( i do hope you ladies had a wonderful time though. and i know there will be many more adventures up to pentwater yet to come.. and oh how i can't wait for them! but i know i did the right thing by staying home, because i had already made plans with my mommy to go to the art fair, and i cancel plans with her waaaay to often. and so i knew i couldn't do it again. it would sound like that whole.. you aren't cool enough to hang out with, or my friends are cooler than you, or something better came up, type thing. which is not true. my mom is the best. i am so very lucky to have her, and i love her so very much.

hmm.. moving on.. what's new in my life..
well i decided to move back home for those of you that do not know already. i finally relized it would be just stupid of me not to. i'm already in debt from credit cards. so i should pay those off, and actually get a little ahead. then i'll think about moving back out. this way i can look into getting a car too. i don't know what kind yet. or if i'm going to get a new or a used one. or if i am going to buy one or lease one. who knows. i will figure it out when the time is right.

it is going to suck trying to find someone to move back out with once i am ready. which i don't think will be for atleast 6 months. but maybe as long as a year. i don't want to set any dates. ashley and i moving in together was such a random thing in the begining, hopefully i'll get lucky and something like that will happen when i want to move out again. i really did get lucky with ashley though. we barely knew each other, and it could have turned out bad and us fighting and hating each other.. but the exact opposite happened. we have gotten along so wonderfully. i couldn't have asked for a better first roomy! :) i don't think we have ever fought or even really gotten mad at each other. damn did it all work out good. i am going to be sad when we move out. i've gotten so use to my life this way. boy will it be hard to adjust back to living with the parents at first. even though, i must admit, my parents are very good about everything. they give me my freedom. i don't have a curfew. well, at least how it was before.. if i wasn't going to be home that night, then i call and leave a voicemail on my mom's cell phone to let her know. or i have to be home before the first one gets up for work. i think that's fair. i can do that.

i should probably get going, and get ready. and all that fun shit. hope you all enjoyed my rambling..
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