
May 04, 2005 03:24

my horoscope for today: You may appear to have your head in the clouds to day, Jenn. The truth is, you've got a lot of important things on your mind. Others might be offended or even amused at your distance. Try not to worry about this too much. You need to take care of resolving those problems you've been marinating on before worrying about everyone else's reaction.

i can't believe just two more finals and i'm done with school. the past four years have flown by. it's amazing how you can go through all this and still not know what you want to do. well, i know what i want to do, but actually getting to do it is another story.

anyhoo, here's an update on the wonderful world of jennifer...

went strawberry pickin' in loganville last friday. twas a fun adventure. okay, not really an adventure, but a nice trip. spent the rest of the weekend studying francais, and going out on saturday night with shelley. we caught the end of the twilight criterium. they go sooo fast! it's crazy. and it was almost impossible to cross clayton street during the race. we had to wait at these designated areas and when the bikers all pass, there's this window of about one minute where everyone tries to squeeze across to the other side. while shelley and i were waiting to cross, this one guy who made it over to our side said it felt like world war three. we were like, um, okay, whatever. but then when it was our turn, it was pretty intense, and we must concur with him. it was indeed like a war. pushing, shoving, yelling, scratching...all the while hoping that the bikers don't come back and run all over us...

stayed in the slc (student learning center) with shelley and lewie until 3:30 in the morning sunday/monday. as i was walking back to my dorm room, i heard birds. not a good sign. my french final was at noon that day, so after i got back i tried to get a nap in. didn't work too well. i couldn't fall asleep until 5 a.m. and then woke up at 8 a.m. to study again. of course i didn't get up get up until 9 though. took the test at 12 and i am confident i didn't fail it - which is great considering that you HAVE to pass the final to pass the course no matter what your grade is going into it- so i will be graduating on time. as for the matter of graduating summa cum laude though...that is to be determined. well, actually i can pretty much guarantee it will be magna cum laude. but whatever. i have the summa cum laude tassle, and they can't take that away from me. :)

mother's day is sunday and i don't know what to get my mumsies. any ideas? nothing involving picture frames though - i overdid that over xmas.

amanda and joey's wedding on saturday. should be nice. peter, you really don't have to come with me. i feel bad. you should spend time with your daddy. tht was the whole purpose of you coming up here anyways. it's very thoughtful of you to offer though. it's been duly noted. but again, it's not your responsibility.

omg. can't wait til thursday night. oh yeah, you know what i'm talking about. TWO new episodes of the o.c. could life get any better? haha. i mean, who did george think he was last thursday???

well it's late, or early in the morning, and i should try to get some beauty rest. i have a long day of studying sociology ahead of me. i have to get a 94 to keep my A...yeah right. like that's gonna happen. :( my final is at 8 a.m. i'll be occupied til then...

ciao! --->see, no more french, EVER!!!!!!!!!
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