My Spring Break has been wonderful so far.Everthing is going well except my sleeplessness and terrible headache.anyways here are some of the pix i took during my LA trip.
Kodak theatre:
Me and spider man:
Disneyland ^________________^
Disneyland's California advanture:
hey!am i brave?? XD
Universal Studio:
Everything about the movie is fake.but...woah...don't they look so real?????
xixi...most of the pics below are gotta be my 臭美照,so plz don't get too bored^^ll
I'm ..............hungry
Santa Barbara beach:
Slovang(丹麦村,the place where i got my love cookies for my honey <3)
lunch time:
yay!!finally i'm done.anyways I took over 450 pics in 4 days,those are only part of it. well, just take a look if you have nothing else to do bah!=P~