A message from the trenches: still thinking of you!

Feb 14, 2011 22:09

Long time no update! (There should be a button here on LiveJournal that auto-fills the beginning of your post with that)

The last time I posted it was a lame meme I did on my BlackBerry as I killed time in a car ride.

Now, I update you as I sit in my clean kitchen, listening to the radio, while DanDans pops some corn for a movie.

Ah yes, we've been insanely busy. Social life has taken a huge back seat to the responsibilities that come along with working full-time again.

I have to say that I'm quite enjoying working for myself, out of my loverly home. No office politics. No morning traffic. Sex in the afternoon!

Oh yes, it's been good.

Unfortunately, I've had to let go of my position as Ottawa Chapter Director for the S.W.A.P. Team. It's a shame, because I really, truly, love the organization and their reason for being, but I'm feeling stretched a little thing these days. Only because I want to maintain my level of peace and quiet, while still working hard.

This means, less time for social outings. If you're reading this, you probably haven't seen me in a long while, and if you have it was in passing.


Alas, this is the way it goes. For now. Is temporary! (promise)

I must now go and eat me some popping corn with the loveliest lovely that ever loved and watch my some "12 angry men"

see ya~
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