Mar 26, 2007 13:22
So I suggested a day in lieu of christmas and birthdays. A day where all my loves could be in one place at one time, to be showered in gifties by me. This day was to be called "Consumer Driven Present Day".
"Happy CDP"! I would cry enthusiastically! I picked a date. I consulted a committee who then ok'd said date. I talked it up. Yes. I talked it up big. And then..I failed to show up on said date.
I'm a terrible person.
It's not like I did a no-show, "it" (as in life) just got all complicated and expensive and un-doable. This is what happens when I plan. So I don't plan. Now I will have to go away and beat myself with a stout object, and when that's done I'll have to re-consult with several committees to find another suitable date, and then SHOW UP. This last being the most important.
Meanwhile, teaching is building but interminably slowly. Like one of those "he's just not that into you" guys, who manages to make you think something good is going on....until you think about it, and realise that actually, it's not.
I'm not having a patient day today.