...with my new header, the beauty that is Sawyer.
hereswith made it for me, took my words and pics and colored them in sepia tones then wove them into something so perfectly what I wanted that I may just have to marry her...or maybe the header...I'm not sure.
But some of the colors in my journal changed when we put the header into place - and believe me, she worked hard from half way around the world to walk me through getting Sawyer up top where he belongs. (Take that any way you want!) so please forgive the funky journal colors and be patient until I fix them...sometime tomorrow, I pray think.
What a beauty, yeah?
hereswith, I'm sending the real great Scot over wearing his kilt, tall wool socks and boots only...he may have flowers, and most assuredly will have chocolates. Don't bother returning him any time soon - I'm totally distracted by Sawyer up top!