My first Lost episode review - SPOILERS ALL THE WAY for "3 Minutes".
I fucking hate Michael - and I fucking hate the writers for devoting so much of this episode to him. Now, I realize they may have thought it necessary for the back tracking to make the story move forward, but, you know what? Any one of us could have done it better - and without so much of fucking belligerent ass Michael.
And Jack? For all your hard ass shit, you let fucking Michael bully you into giving up your plan to make a plan for his plan? Idiot. Good thing you have Sayid on island to read between the lines.
Sawyer...have you ever been more vulnerable, more flayed wide open for the good to seep through? No, you're not Irish, but I'd drink with you any day, even if Jack wouldn't. And you got some great "Sawyer" lines this week - thank God. Your little flash of jealousy over Kate and Jack? Twice last week and once tonight - good for you, going right to the source and asking Jack. But he jerked you around, buddy, and it's kind of funny watching you squirm over the possibilities.
But that whole scene with Jack and Sawyer in the hatch, locking and Sawyer first confesses about Ana, how heart wrenching was that? How much did Josh own his character then? And the second, more surprising confession - Jack being the closest thing he has to a friend - MELT. How I would love to see them become and then stay pals - snarky, antagonizing pals who still piss each other off, but who are friends when it comes down to it.
So, they are going to war. That is good. And Sayid will come up with a plan to thwart Michael's betrayal. I just know he will.
And the boat - do I detect the return of Desmond? Wasn't he sailing around the world when he was shipwrecked on the island?
Allie, your lei line theory looks to be good - Eko's cross standing out like that when he entered the computer room, and that huge stone formation with the square opening....
OK - not coherent, but part of that I blame on something I read a little earlier tonight in
alliecat8's journal - that the DVD's won't be released until OCTOBER???? JFC! I haven't ever even seen the first 3rd of the second season yet! Now you're telling me that I have to wait until fucking OCTOBER???
If you comment, please don't spoiler me for the finale. Also don't dump on any of the characters - except Michael, the asshole - and be sensitive to the fact that I ship Kate and Sawyer all the way, with a side of Jack and Sawyer as really good buds. ((This does not mean that I don't love with all my heart some of the J/S slash that is out there, so please don't get your dander up!))
And if you don't want to comment, that's ok too, cause mostly I just wanted to say that I really, really hate Michael. I think he is an ass, and I have always thought so. He just needs to fucking die.