Drabble for Lost_in_108: ART THERAPY

Nov 02, 2009 23:47

For prompt #6 (monster) at lost_in_108. This is very rushed and not at all to my liking, but the idea has been in my head for a long time, so let's just look at this as a sketch for a longer fic, what do you say? Oh yeah, and the prompt is very, very subtle!


Desmond found the colored chalk a week after Kelvin died. He lost himself the art, his hands a blur as he smudged broad swaths one moment and refined images the next. He drew fish and houses, numbers and rockets, bleeding suns and an army of stick figures. There was no rhyme or reason, just blessed moments of escape as he left the island behind.

On the day he added the faces - one black, one white - the peaceful air of the mural turned menacing. Later that night there was a terrible pounding on the hatch door, and those faces mocked a frightened Desmond with their silent laughter.

rating: g, desmond, lost_in_108, prompt #6, author: jenthegypsy

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