I think this is my favorite meme ever. Gakked from
cynthia_arrow and
eponine119 and more fun than a box of new sox! Post the first line from your 25 most recent fanfics and try to find a pattern.
1. "Udre!"
2. Penny woke with the sun, the first light of dawn stealing through the porthole in bands of soft pink and tangerine, warming everything it touched.
3. in the manner of what if's
4. Hello, darlings, I'm so happy you could stop in for tea.
5. His words repeated on an endless loop - beginning where they ended, ending where they began - over and over and over. (Posted for my own edification at the moment - soon to be opened to the public.)
6. May your days be filled with leisure,
7. resolve is an easy thing to hold
8. The first time he saw her, she was all in pink; soft pink leotard and tights, a frilly pink tutu and pink satin shoes with a darker pink bow at the toe.
9. The space felt small, the size of a closet, maybe, but that was just a guess.
10. Josef paced the floor, cell phone to ear, his mouth running on auto pilot while his eyes remained on Mick.
11. When you've lived as long as I have, you begin to realize that the Universe exists for the sole purpose of screwing around with everything in its path, a kind of never-ending, tongue-in-cheek prank against all manner of life, especially human - and those of us who used to be so.
12. It was the time of the black birds, darklings they were called, gathering at dusk by the hundreds, by the thousands - filling every cross-hatching power line, every tree limb, every spindly branch, until the individuals blended into wavy lines and music-less notes all across The Land.
13. Still lay upon still; clear sky the color of robins eggs upon clear water the deepest color of the spruce, darker for the depth and for the dying of the light.
14. He watched her every morning, slogging her way through the slush of the false thaw, pint-sized boots stomping on the entry rug, mud and sand and salt splashes flying up to stain the pants leg of her navy blue, boy's department Carharts with question marks of hope.
15. Chores completed in the dark of morning, 100 watt bare bulbs lighting the way and crackling in the cold, she worked - turn the horses out into the paddock, clean the stalls, freshen the bedding, fill the hay racks.
16. His view of the world is narrow.
17. It was Desmond who found him lying broken and bloodied at the bottom of the ravine.
18. “She's got to go, Sawyer.”
19. Sawyer'd never had a vision in his life, unless you counted the flashes of intuition he got when he spotted a mark.
20. She'd had him, body and soul, from the day they met, though neither would have admitted it at the time.
21. He surfaced from oblivion, lying flat on his back in the street, arms flung out like Christ on the Cross, with the stillness of dawn wrapped around him.
22. So tell me, Jack says, just as I was driftin' off, what was she like?
23. Ben remembers the first time that he heard the jungle whisper.
24. He sat bolt upright, jerking awake from a dead sleep, pain running sharp and cold through the middle of his skull.
25. The fire popped and sparks flew as the echoes of Desmond's confession faded into the darkness.
I sure do like words. Evidently, I'm a descriptive whore. Apparently I don't believe in using names. I began only 3 entries with dialog - there are 3 poems in the mix - most fic is male-centric. I tend to write conversationally. Mostly I just plain ol' like words.
cynthia_arrow, I think that Wordy crown should belong to me!
Break down:
idaardella's Udre-verse: 3
Lost: 14
Jack/Sawyer - 3
Desmond/Sawyer - 3
Various - 3
Des/Pen - 2
Sawyer - 1
Desmond - 1
Sawyer/Kate - 1
Moonlight: 2
Not-fandom: 6