Title: Three Stories (The Finished Remix)
Rating: PG
Group/Pairing: Arashi/Ohmiya
Warnings: None.
Notes: Endless thanks for listening to me whine - you know who you are. A significant number of lines are taken directly from the original story, or taken and modified to fit: thanks to
ltgmars for writing something that was so much fun to play with!
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Nino as a ghost in the first piece is eerie and quiet and so lovely in how poignant it is. I like that Nino's the one who's established, that Ohno's the one who comes into his life (or, well, you know), who draws him back together and gives him a reason to take shape. You can tell how much Ohno cares about Nino, how much thinks of him, and how much warmth that brings him.
The machine piece is brilliantly done. I'm in awe, seriously. The machine is dry and calculating, and conscious, too conscious of what it is and what it isn't, but at the same time it's completely lost in its singular focus on Ohno. That was such a big part of the original story, and you just... you nailed it. Like, crap. What did you just do? So great.
And of course, of course, the way you handle the puzzle in the third piece and make it its own creature, turn the original story, the project of humanity itself into a puzzle -- frustrating, scattered, built from within, worth all the pain in the end -- is spectacular. In particular, the use of the line, "I'm looking for a piece that will fit with this one," which in the original was just about a puzzle but in this reimagination is so, so much more... I was floored. This is fantastic.
Like, I just. I know it isn't an exchange and appreciation from the original writer isn't the point of the remix challenge, but I need to say it: thank you so much for choosing this story and for turning it into something (three little somethings) this gorgeous. I'm really touched and so, so grateful that it was you (not because I know you and adore you, but because you have such a boundless imagination and a way of putting it into words that inspires me without upsetting me (and in this instance makes me feel happy to have inspired you)) and that you picked this story and that this -- this -- is what came out of it. I'm a little speechless and overwhelmed and definitely in tears right now, and I kind of doubt anything I've written in this comment even makes sense. But I feel like for me, at this point in time, with where I am in my head, it was so important for this story to have been the one remixed, and for you to have done it so elegantly, so exquisitely, with such care and grace and reverence for something that I already found precious.
I've gotten so much more out of this experience than I could have ever hoped to, so. I don't know. Thank you. ♥
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