Title: The Wonder Years (House Mix)
Rating: PG
Group/Pairing: Arashi
Notes: Huge thanks to my betas. And
oviparous, thank you for writing such a charming series of fics. I had a lot of fun working on this and hope it does the originals justice.
Link to Original Story:
Annually and
Mediocrity from
The Wonder YearsLink to Original Writer:
oviparous (
If we're moving in together we're going to do this properly. )
It was hard to pick a fic to remix from what you'd written because you've written so many lovely, long sprawling stories and I didn't think I'd be able to wrestle all that backstory into a remix of my own (not with considerable effort and neurotic obsessing). And then I saw Wonder Years and kind of just pounced on it. It was really only after I'd finished writing the remix that I went back and read your comments about how you weren't terribly fond of the series (WHY? I asked, WHY?) and I got a bit worried. I never doubted that Arashi in your originals were multi-faceted, to be honest; I recognised that the format of writing limited our view of their facets. So basically I just crossed my fingers and hoped that you'd be okay with my (very demented) interpretation of your series.
And then March 11 happened and I figured you might not be in much of a fic-reading mood (I don't think many of us were!). I'm just really, really glad that this story was could be the slightest bit of help to you during that period.
Thank you for writing such a wonderful series - it made me laugh out loud when I was reading it and I had a lot of fun working on the remix. ♥♥♥
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