Title: Getting Along (House on Fire remix)
Rating: PG-13
Group/Pairing: Arashi; Nino/Jun, Ohno/Nino, Sho/Ohno
Warnings: None
Notes: Many thanks to M and C for looking through this. ♥
Link to Original Story:
Mindfucking Link to Original Writer:
mrsatterthwaite (
Sho sees it before anyone else does, he thinks; )
Comments 17
If they were any other group, Sho thinks, there might be a falling out. There might be fighting and someone getting hit in the jaw even though the company has that rule about no attacks to the face. If they were any other group, they might not even stay a group.
This line sums it up pretty well.
You managed to turn a silly, humorous fic into such a bittersweet story! Amazing!
Thank you for such a lovely comment! ♥
First: oh my goodness. I don't even know where to start. I flailed about this so hard. It was mostly incoherent RAGJJJGHHAHHDH (ask solesakuma to verify, if you don't believe me!) I love how you turned my weird little story into something so intelligent, beautiful, and deep. You like, inverted my story and just. It is amazing, and I am so giddy that I can claim even a small percentage of inspiring this. Kidding! But not really. I like to latch onto great things and hope it rubs off on me.
There were so many wonderful moments in this story. You have a fantastic way with words, and I want to say thank you for turning a silly old fic into something so profound.
I'm not sure how turducken shenanigans managed to turn out so angsty, but I tried to write a story that had your Matsumiya as its centre but focused on what was happening on its periphery. It makes me so happy to know that the story worked for you. ♥
Also, thank you for a lovely remix experience!
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