Title: The first snow of the year
The Musician and the Samurai by
gothicauthorRating: PG-13
Group/Pairing: Kat-tun; Akame
Warnings/Genre: AU
Wordcount: 2.709
A/N: Thanks to
bumfucked for the suggestions and the beta. My first remix ever, so I hope I didn't take too many liberties with this or mess it up too bad. *nervous*
Jin is six years old when he is first given music lessons. )
Um, okay... First things first, I guess. I really loved your characterization of Jin. I feel like that's exactly how I see him in this 'verse. When I first saw Matchy's prompt, I thought it might be interesting to switch it around and have Jin as this calm, collected musician who actually ends up saving samurai Kame instead of the other way around. So in a way, everything kind of stemmed from this image of him, so seeing him fleshed out so beautifully was a real treat.
His background fit so well, too, and just alksnlakng oh, Jin. ;_; And the two of them meeting as children alsknlakgn OF COURSE, NE. THEY ARE TOTALLY MEANT TO BE.
Which reminds me lasknalg THEIR RELATIONSHIP. T_______T You totally nailed their relationship, too. Kame totally makes weird, hot-tempered comments all the time, and Jin is totally just like, "...LOL, what?"
And, and Jin letting Kame have the bigger half of their meal. DDDD:
aknag Now that I've flailed all over the place, um... I really liked your imagery! It's spare but full, like watercolor, and there's such a nice, fleeting quality to it, like impressions, which makes so much sense, since they're traveling around all the time.
BUT ANYWAY THIS WAS JUST SO PRETTY. T____T Thank you so much, ne aslknksg I really like this a lot. ♥ ♥ ♥
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