Remix of araanaz9's "Sometimes"

Mar 27, 2013 18:21

Title: The most specialist
Rating: G
Group/Pairing: NEWS, Tegoshi/Massu
Warnings: None
Notes: I hope you like this, araanaz9! It was an old fic and a short one, but I thought it was really sweet and such a lovely pairing, and I wanted to see how I could work in Tegoshi's feelings on the whole thing since your fic was from Massu's point of view.
Link to Original Story: Sometimes
Link to Original Writer: starsforget

Tegoshi didn't need to know that he was special. He already knew. Of course he knew. There was no one else like him in the whole agency, possibly even in the whole world, he liked to think. He was special, in the truest sense of the word.

Sometimes Koyama would show him that he thought he was special by paying for his meals. Shige would show he was special by not killing him when he played yet another stupid prank on him. However, then those two would go off on a private vacation to Hawaii, and what better way to show him he was special than by inviting him along? But of course they didn't, and Tegoshi wouldn't admit that he had sat in front of his television watching the pair being pounced by unsuspecting reporters with his lips pouted and his knees against his chest, because he should be above that at the age of 25.

Koyama was special to Shige and Shige was special to Koyama and even though he knew he was special, there was something very dissatisfying knowing that to them, perhaps there was someone who was more special. They came home from Hawaii with nothing but stories of what they had done and people they had seen, the fan who had recognised them while they had been relaxing on the beach, the waiter in the restaurant who thought he was fluent in Japanese. Tegoshi couldn't take part or laugh at these inside jokes because he hadn't been there, because he hadn't been invited, and that made him pout all over again.

He looked beside him to the man sitting on the same couch as him in their dressing room who looked just as out of the conversation and unwilling to laugh along as he was. Masuda Takahisa hadn't been invited along to Hawaii either and was looking just as disgruntled about the entire thing as Tegoshi felt. He briefly wondered if this was how people felt when he talked about soccer, but he quickly wiped that thought away because he didn't really care if people were interested in that, he would talk about it all the same.

As he looked Massu, the other man turned his gaze to meet his, and the older one gave him a knowing smirk. “Hey Tegoshi, remember that time when we went to Sweden?” he asked when there was a pause in the other pair's story retelling, and sometimes Tegoshi felt like his and Massu's minds were one.

Massu knew how to show Tegoshi that he was special. Tegoshi would catch those huge grins he gave him if he so much as looked in his direction, or when he was too involved with something else to really pay Massu much attention, and Massu would go to the buffet and fill his stomach instead. Massu thought that Tegoshi didn't notice, but he did. Because there was always a part of Tegoshi's mind that was focussed on Massu, waiting for him to do those little things that made him feel special in a way that neither Koyama or Shige could.

They had finished their television appearance an hour before and Koyama and Shige seemed only to be hanging around because they had important Hawaii stories to talk about, and Tegoshi wondered why he was still sitting here listening as Massu went to check what was remaining of the buffet the television station had provided them with. He stood up from the couch as the pair on the opposite one giggled amongst themselves about some bar they had been in in Hawaii, and sidled up behind Massu as he sampled some rice from the table.

“Massu!” he spoke happily with a large smile as he wrapped his arms around the others waist, and Massu turned his head as he sat his chin on his shoulder. Massu's cheeks were swelled like a hamster's as he chewed on the rice he had taken from the buffet but even so, Tegoshi was happy to see him at least try to give him that smile that showed him that he was special. “Come, come, we're going out!”

“NEWS is?”

“No, silly.” Tegoshi wondered why Massu would even think he wanted to go out with Koyama and Shige tonight and have them continue to talk about their vacation that he hadn't been invited to, and he poked the other's cheek and let out a giggle. “TegoMassu is.”

Tegoshi knew he was special. That was why he got the first part of their duet name, but as he linked his arms with the other's and said a hasty goodbye to the other two NEWS members sitting on the couch, he thought that perhaps Massu was just a little bit special as well. He was special because of how he made Tegoshi feel special. He was special because he and Massu could go out together and both be happy to allow Koyama to pay the bill because sometimes both of them wanted Koyama to reach into his pocket and treat both of them.

They ate a feast, since they weren't paying. Not only did they eat a feast, since they weren't paying, they also shared several bottles of red wine that caused them to later stumble out of the restaurant arm in arm with a bill in Koyama's name in a pocket and without a care in the world.

“So... your apartment is riiiiiiiiight over there,” Tegoshi slurred, pointing with his finger in some random direction that he wasn't even sure was the right way. “And my apartment is right here and you don't really want to go all that way this late at night do you?” he asked the other and there was something in his voice that seemed to tell Massu he didn't really have a choice, and Massu was too drunk to really care where he went.

“Lets go!” Massu decided without even a moment of hesitation, and soon they were heading in the direction of Tegoshi's closer apartment singing their English version of Miso Soup at the top of their voices. Somehow Tegoshi managed to produce his key from deep in his pocket, and soon they were stumbling into his apartment where Massu promptly tripped over Tegoshi's excited dog in the hallway and fell on his back, pulling the other down with him. They would both probably ache in the morning but right now tripping over a dog was the funniest thing ever and as Massu tried to stop Skull from licking at his face, Tegoshi burst into hysterical laughter, and Massu soon followed.

“This was a fun evening together right~? It was pretty special,” Tegoshi spoke, still half sitting on Massu as they remained in the hallway.

“You're pretty special,” Massu replied, something he would never say out loud if he wasn't so drunk.

This amused Tegoshi even more and that grin that Massu loved appeared on his face. “Silly. I know I am~ But you know... Massu is pretty special too. The most... specialist special person I know,” he decided as he looked down at the other man, still with that drunken smile on his face.

The smile that Massu gave him back told Tegoshi that he was happy with this response, but when the other spoke again, there was a new subject on his mind. “Hey, lets give Koyama that present on the show tomorrow,” he suggested, and as both of them looked at each other and burst into hysterical laughter once again, Tegoshi decided once again that they really must have the same mind.

Tegoshi was the most special but Massu was special as well because Massu made Tegoshi feel extra special. Koyama and Shige could have Hawaii, Tegoshi decided, because all Tegoshi and Massu needed was each other.

“Move over,” Tegoshi told Massu later that night as they lay each on their own side of Tegoshi's double bed (the couch required sheets and blankets that Tegoshi was far too drunk and lazy to try and find).

“Why do you get three quarters of the bed?” Massu moaned a little as Tegoshi pushed him further towards the edge.

“Because I'm special,” was the only reply Tegoshi had, and Massu couldn't really argue with that.

pairing: masuda takahisa/tegoshi yuuya, group: news, original author: araanaz9, rating: g, cycle: ten

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