Round Two ☆ Challenge 08 ☆ Voting

Aug 12, 2010 20:55


☆ You must vote for ONE graphic from each category. You do not need to give reasons why, but it's always appreciated. :)
☆ All votes are weighted the same, so the order doesn't matter.
☆ Please note that if we ask you to revise your vote and you do not, your votes will not be counted.
☆ Please base your votes on the merits of icons themselves, and not the people in the icons or by the icon maker you think made the icon.
☆ Participants are NOT required to vote.
☆ You can see the themes at the submission post here.
☆ Vote according to what best represents the theme, not who is on the icon!
☆ You may not vote for your own icon under any circumstances.
☆ ANYONE with an LJ account can vote. HOWEVER - if you are found to have others vote for your icon specifically, you will be banned, THEY will be banned, and your icon will be null and void.
☆ Do not vote for any icon more than once. Doing so will cause your entire vote to be discarded.
☆ Voting will conclude on Saturday, August 14th at NOON CST (UTC -6).
☆ All comments are screened and will remain screened. No one other than the mods will know which icons you voted for.
☆ If you have any questions, feel free to ask!







THEME ONE:## - Reason optional
THEME TWO: ## - Reason optional
THEME THREE:## - Reason optional

*round 02, round 02; challenge 08, !voting

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