Round One ☆ Challenge 09 ☆ Results

Mar 13, 2010 16:49

Thanks to everyone who voted! <3 Unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to two people today. Thank you for participating and please stick around for voting. :D This brings us to our FINAL ROUND OMFGGGGG!! :D


aokiyai [-5]

midoriho [-3]

aures [+3]

jaimsterr [+3]

MOD'S CHOICE: Due to high numbers of People's Choice, there is no Mod's choice this week. :D

01: (+2)(-2) = 0
- The center crop works well with the image, however the texture off to the right throws the icon off balance. The black is a little overpowering (especially in the hair), and takes away some contrast. The top portion of the background is dark, so lightening up the subject or even extending the white at the bottom would have helped.
- The subject, while fulfilling the requirements of the theme, is too vague and indistinct - it's hard to tell what's going on, and all that can really be made out is the hands (leaving the viewer to wonder just exactly what's going on in the icon). The lighter spot adds emphasis to the wrong places and ends up looking a little like a smudge on the computer screen - perhaps different placement would work better?
+ The dark background surrounding the subject really conveys the emotion of the subject.

02: (-3)
- This kind of cropping has been done a lot, hence making it look so "generic", as in 'everyone crops that way', kind of feel. So there is no feel of originality, just anyone can do the exact same thing. If they added some texture or rotate it a bit, I think it would've been more interesting.
- There doesn't seem to be enough contrast to make the icon stand out.
- There isn't enough contrast in the icon. The dark greys aren't dark enough, and the lighter areas blend in too much with the others, leaving it kind of indistinct and hazy. Increasing the contrast and making the darks more black would do wonders for the icon.

03: (-5)
- The text doesn't really suit the image, it would've been really nice if it was a picture of someone supporting his chin with his hand or something. It's cropped too much to the point you can't tell what's going on in the icon, and so these two qualities clashed and thus making it rather unattractive.
- While I think the text/texture is cute, it doesn't quite suit the image. The crop is also awkward, regarding the placing of the subject. It's a little hard to figure out where the focus lies.
- The crop is really abstract, and takes a while to see just what is being pictured. And though the texture is a nice touch, it looks as if it could be done without as it throws off visual flow, or resized to fit elsewhere.
- The text was a bit of a distraction. It is hard to figure out the focal point of the icon.
- The text stood out more than the person in the crop, which defeats the purpose of the icon since the theme is not based on the text.

04: (-1)(+2) = +1
- The border around the subject is creative which creates a nice balance. The only problem I had was that I couldn't figure out what the right hand was doing for a little bit because of the placement of the scribbly texture(?). If only it was placed elsewhere. D:
+ Creative :]

05: (-1)(+4) = + 3
- The icon is a bit blurry and with the colours already gone, there's not much in the icon to catch attention. A better contrast would have worked.
+ Love the image crop.
+ Love the composition!

06: (+3)
+ Love the texture usage and the overall balance of the icon.

round 01; challenge 09, !results, *round 01

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