Title: What Makes You Beautiful
heicherryPairing(s): Nishikido/Takizawa
Genre: Romance, Yaoi, Fluff
Rating: PG
Warning(s): No Beta, Locked in 3 days.
Summary: Just because you don`t see it, doesn`t mean it`s not there. Stop the insecurity, anyone would like you.
Author's Note: Drabble request by
lilly0! :) Thank you for donating to
help_pilipinas! ♥ I hope you enjoy this fic. And thank you for giving me a different pairing! I enjoyed writing it~ *laughs* Insipired by One Direction`s What Makes You Beautiful (if it isn't obvious lol). ^^ Advice: Try reading while listening to the song.
You don`t know you`re beautiful! )