A Wish Gone Wrong [Chapter 8]

Sep 14, 2011 12:47

TITLE: A Wish Gone Wrong [Chapter 8]
PAIRINGS: Ohmiya, NinoxYuriko, Junba, Sakumoto
WORD COUNT: 3,105 words
GENRES: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fictional.
SUMMARY: A pointless argument leaves Nino wishing for something he shouldn’t have. This leads to him waking up to an alternate reality where Arashi never existed, where they were never close in the first place, and Nino doesn’t know what to do about it.

CHAPTER 1: Rude Awakening
CHAPTER 2: Not the Same Anymore
CHAPTER 3: The First Time in a Long Time
CHAPTER 4: Remembering
CHAPTER 5: Of First Loves
CHAPTER 6: Guilt in the Morning After
CHAPTER 7: Broken Trust

r: pg-13, c: kusanagi tsuyoshi, x: drama, l: multi-chapter, c: aiba masaki, g: arashi, c: ohno satoshi, c: ninomiya kazunari, c: sakurai sho, x: romance, c: matsumoto jun, p: ninomiya kazunari/ohno satoshi, x: angst, x: au, c: ikuta toma

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