(no subject)

Mar 21, 2011 20:48

Title:  A study of perfection
Paring: Yara/Goseki
Rating: Pg
Summary: It’s not often that they take (or have) the time to reminisce, but today is just one of those days.
A/n: Because this is how I like to think it happened. This is for ailette  ,  for the, uh, arashi_on  fundraiser 8Db

The first time Yara becomes aware of Goseki's existence is when he is fifteen and Goseki is ,well, Yara isn't exactly sure how old Goseki is; but he looks about seven. )

t: slash, x: fluff, r: pg-13, c: yara tomoyuki, c: goseki koichi, r: pg, x: romance, t: inter-group, g: musical academy, x: angst, g: abc-z

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