[FIC] Addicted to LOVE - Chapter 3: The art of being true

Mar 18, 2011 01:50

Pairing: Koichi/Ryo time ^^, Tsuyoshi/Takeda Shinji
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't own KinKi Kids, or anything JE-related
Warnings: Swearing, sexual situations, angst

Notes: Well, this is definitely a series for fans of smut, ne? ^^ Will I be able to make all of the chaps NC-17? It's definitely interesting to write this, as much as it is a challange, since I'm trying to find a different approach for every couple. I hope I'm at least somewhat successful. I have to apology notes. To my beloved lilly0 , I'm so sorry I couldn't make it in time. It took me longer than expected. Plus, I'm sorry for making it like this for Ryo, but he seems to be the kind of guy this would work with. Gomen ne. (Please don't hate Koichi, it was entirely my idea. ^_~) Then I apologise to my dear luna_truths for being absent for so long and now only posting before rushing off to bed. I love you, but tomorrow will be a long day, so I'm leaving this here for now and then contact you tomorrow. <3

Intro: Slutty Koichi is already well-known within Johnny's Jimusho. But then, doesn't he have other features too? What is his story? And how is it similar to someone else's from the agency? While an interesting development takes place there, Tsuyoshi has to fight for his own relationship.

"I cannot change who I am or the way I feel. So, all I can do now is to ask you to love this me, who loves Koichi in such a way…" )

t: slash, x: drama, l: multi-chapter, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi, x: romance, g: kinki kids, c: nishikido ryo, r: nc-17, x: angst

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