[On-going] Love Is Blind- Chapter 7&8

Mar 17, 2011 14:52

Title: Love Is Blind
Author: Abby2892
Genre: Drama, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Matsumoto Jun x Original Character x Sakurai Sho
Summary: Aoyama Kanon is a beautiful and pretty girl that any guy could be mesmerized by her presence. But the thing is, she's blind and was often bullied or guys pretend to not see her. It has been 18 years since she lost her ability to see because of an unfortunate accident with her parents and her parents believe what led to their divorce was Kanon's fault. With Kanon trying to deal with everything on her own, she unexpectedly bumps in Arashi. Will they be able to help Kanon find the happiness and love that she always wanted? How about when she is caught in a love triangle and cannot see the guy she is in love with?
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Arashi, Matsumoto Jun nor Sakurai Sho. The rightful owners are Johnny & Associates. I only own the original characters, the story and the plot. This is a fictional story.

Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

c: original character, r: pg-13, x: drama, l: multi-chapter, g: arashi, c: sakurai sho, x: romance, c: matsumoto jun, t: het

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