[FIC] Survivors (It's our life) - Chapter 4: How to... Make new friends

Mar 07, 2011 17:20

Main Characters: KinKi Kids (AU characters)
Pairing: KinKi Kids (later), for now: TsuTsu, Koichi/Machida
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Don't own KinKi Kids, or anything JE-related
Warnings: Swearing, violence, mentions of rape
Setting: AU

Intro: Koichi is suffering from physical damage. Even so, he gets wrapped in new dramatic happenings. A new character turns up unexpectedly and stirs emotions up. Tsuyoshi is affected by that as well and is confronted with his own pain again. Also: Some really cute Macchin fanboying and Takahashi finding a lover.

Notes: So sorry for the late update. RL is so busy right now. Finding a job is difficult. But now I finally finished this. So, please go and read. ^^

“Oh, come on,” Yara retorted. “No proper man smells like strawberries.” )

c: yara tomoyuki, x: drama, g: they budou, c: yonehana tsuyoshi, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: nakai masahiro, c: domoto koichi, x: horror/dark, c: matsuzaki yusuke, g: kinki kids, r: r, c: machida shingo, c: akanishi jin, c: takahashi ryu, g: musical academy, x: au, c: uchi hiroki

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