Title : Nail Polish (Akame/One-shot)

Sep 18, 2010 00:27

Title : Nail Polish (Akame/One-shot)
Pairing : AKAME
Other character : slight T-TUN at the end of fic
Genre : Fluff / Crack
Rating : PG 13 - 17 (nothing heavy but better be safe ne~~~)
Disclaimer : If I own them, I'll be busy doing other thing than fic writing.... whahaha
Warning : Unbeta-ed
Summary : Kame was at home doing his nails when Jin came over with the groceries. He insisted wanting to help Kame do his nails... Kame should know better that Jin was up to something when he persistently wanted to do such task...

A/N : I was a bit upset after reading some bad rumors. Of course I dont believe any of it, but knowing people are spreading it just to gain some profit simply appaled to me...Therefore I need fluff fic immediately... >_<
The idea actually came while I was searching for Kame's pic to be posted at my page side bar. The picture Kame drying his nails using the hair dryer inspire me this plot.... Hope you guys enjoy this short one...:)


x: fluff, r: pg-13, x: humor, g: kat-tun, l: one-shot

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