Kusanagi Tsuyoshi + Kimura Takuya (SMAP): Boke to Tsukkomi

Sep 16, 2010 21:55

Title: Boke to Tsukkomi

Rating: G

Warning: N/A

Status: Complete

Characters: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, Kimura Takuya

Pairings/Friendship: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi + Kimura Takuya Friendship

Timeline: Sometime after the year 2003.

Summary: And it dawned on Kusanagi Tsuyoshi. You couldn't have a complete manzai combination if either the boke or the tsukkomi was missing. The both of them were needed.

A/N: None of the characters/actors belong to me. This work is purely fiction and does not reflect the real opinions/lifestyles of the person(s) involved. Comments and criticisms are welcomed. ENJOY! XD

Link: http://rz-jocelyn.livejournal.com/16381.html

g: smap, c: kusanagi tsuyoshi, t: gen, l: one-shot, r: g, c: kimura takuya

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