SMAP: "Control" (2TOP) and "Friends?" (ShinTsuyo)

Sep 15, 2010 11:18

Title: Control

Rating: G

Warning: N/A

Status: Complete

Characters: Nakai Masahiro, Kimura Takuya

Pairings/Friendship: Nakai Masahiro + Kimura Takuya Friendship

Timeline: In recent years

Summary: Nakai Masahiro was a person who liked control, who liked to be in control.



Title: Friends?

Rating: G

Warning: N/A

Status: Complete

Characters: Katori Shingo, Kusanagi Tsuyoshi

Pairings/Friendship: Katori Shingo + Kusanagi Tsuyoshi Friendship

Timeline: During SMAP's junior days

Summary: Kusanagi Tsuyoshi was scary. Very scary. Or so Katori Shingo had thought.


A/N: None of the characters/actors belong to me. This work is purely fiction and does not reflect the real opinions/lifestyles of the person(s) involved. Comments and criticisms are welcomed. ENJOY! XD

g: smap, c: kusanagi tsuyoshi, l: one-shot, c: nakai masahiro, r: g, c: kimura takuya, t: gen, c: katori shingo

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