Title: A Name Called Love
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: RyoShige
Warnings: Um....cursing? Lol
Summary: Sometimes you become close to someone when your required to help another person out.
Notes: Fail summary and it was freakin' hard as anything to write but I'm proud I finished it and am pretty happy with the end result even though it's open up from some type of continuation. Written for
newsficcon for
vinyaromeniel originally posted here. This was my first fic exchange so it was a lot harder than my normal spew of fics. My beta was
natsudive because shes a doll and put up with my random rants on how frustrating this thing was to write that will take a little bit to post. I'm happy with the outcome even if it was a slightly different than I had planed. It's super mega long so...yeah. Hope you all enjoy it!
sometimes the things you hate bring you the best type of happiness later on