Title: Jun Matsumoto (centered) x Arashi
Pairing: Jun and particularly confused and cynical girl
Rating: G, comedy, love
Word count: Long enough to be detailed, but short enough to keep you hanging =p
Summary: Hana (lead) is one of the few people who sees life as gray, black and white...growing up in the deprived part of Tokyo, having a mom that is ill and had to grow up working each day; no wonder why she ended up being cynical and totally hating the upper world, glitz and fashion...she even have a catch phrase of "you can't blame me for not wanting to fall in love...let me end the the suffering of my race once and for all!"...
But somehow....she ended up being in the world of make up, plastics and fandom....beside the man she never thought she'll ever feel her heart beat for.....why? Cause he's the epitome of what she hates--> glamour, fashion, money, power.....love.
INTRODUCTION Chapter 1- How I learned who is DoS Banchou? Chapter 2- How we met again? Chapter 3 - How I ended up Holding something that belongs to him? Chapter 4- How he apologized? Chapter 5- How I "dreamt" about him? Chapter 6- How I "killed" him? Chapter 7- How I "kissed" him? Chapter 8- How I became his panda? Chapter 9 -How he made his request? Chapter 10 - How I got caught? Chapter 11- How I got stuck in a dark place? Chapter 12 - How I dressed him? Chapter 13- How he watched me got pawed? Chapter 14- How he made my lips quiver with pain?