Title: FREE
Fandom: KAT-TUN
Pairings: Akame
Genres: Romance, angst, fluff
Rating: NC-17 [adult content]
Summary: Kame and Jin are friends… with certain rights.
Author’s notes: Thanks to Angie for translate it ^^ I’m glad you liked it *x*!!!!
Translated by: kk_me
Translator’s notes: I love the moral in this story. And the dialogue’s so awesome it makes everything utterly realistic, despite this actually being fiction. Loved it <3
Disclaimer: Neither Kame nor Jin are my friends, so let it be clear that if I came up with this fic, it’s only a product of my fandom and real life which get mixed up so easily.
Dedicated to: For Narin (bluemoon_fairy) for her birthday.
Warning: I'll lock the fanfic to friends when it ends.
Third Part
“Kazu… I like spending time with you. I really do enjoy it, but… but I wouldn’t want to ruin what we feel just for…” )