Tempt me if you can (one-shot)

Feb 16, 2020 18:24

Title: Tempt me if you can
Author: lalois
Fandom: Kanjani8, KAT-TUN, Yamapi
Pairings: RyOhkura, Kame/Yamapi, Yasu/Subaru
Rating: up to NC-17
Length: originally one-shot (posted in 4 parts)
Words:  11630 (complete)
Genre: AU, ust, romance, angst, fluff, smut, comedy, sort of crack
Disclaimer: sadly I don’t own anything about Kanjani8, just my worship for my OTP. They don't belong to me, but they belong to each other.
Prompt/Background: following the "Steal your Love" prompt + Yamaneko drama character (I love him!) + RL Eito/TORN snippets.
Summary: Phantom Thief Yamaneko strikes again in Kurashiki, to get Monet's famous Water Lilies painting. Once there, his ally Ohkura will bump into a very determined security guard, Nishikido Ryo. Ohkura Tadayoshi likes beautiful things, and Nishikido definitely is.
Also available @ Ao3, LJ

During the long minute that follows, Kame-chan keeps staring at me with some undecipherable expression.
“I’m glad you’re not blind, Tatsu, for this Nishikido guy is indeed a pretty hot one,” he quietly replies then. “Don’t fall in love with him, though. He’s playing on the enemy’s side out there.”

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (finale)

c: yasuda shota, c: nishikido ryo, c: yokoyama yu, g: kat-tun, x: fluff, g: kanjani8, x: humor, c: maruyama ryuhei, l: one-shot, x: romance, x: angst, r: nc-17, c: shibutani subaru, x: au, c: yamashita tomohisa, c: murakami shingo, c: ohkura tadayoshi, c: kamenashi kazuya

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