Title: Gamble (Remastered)
sutekihanashi (
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment, Arashi
General Rating: R
Characters: Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Matsumoto Jun, Ninomiya Kazunari, Aiba Masaki
Pairing/s: YamaPair (Ohno/Sho), JunToshi (Jun/Ohno)
Disclaimer: fanFICTION (extra emphasis on the fiction). None of this is based on anything even resembling fact except for, like, their names. Do not know, don't presume to know. Not owning. Not meant to offend. Just fangirling.
Masterpost of this fic,
hereIf you like this, you're welcome to check out my fics masterpost
here Summary: Sho visits his two friends in hospital...
The same nightmare repeated every day... )