[OS] When You Wish Upon a Star - Part 1

Oct 08, 2017 18:00

Title : When You Wish Upon a Star
Pairings: Ryo x Ohkura
Rating: PG15
Length: One Shot (in two parts)
Words: 4912
Genre:  Angst, Romance, Friendship, AU
Disclaimer: Too bad for me, I don't own these men... just these stories.

Summary : Life is definitely not how we imagine it at ten. Ryo thinks that his wishes won't be granted by the shooting star he saw on the night of his tenth birthday.
Until he meets another star, fragile and different. The one who could finally make him shine.

Read Part 1 on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12259107/chapters/27858444

c: yasuda shota, c: maruyama ryuhei, r: pg, x: romance, c: nishikido ryo, x: angst, x: au, c: ohkura tadayoshi

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