[Advertisement] Hey! Say! JUMP Fic exchange - JUMPing Fic Carnival!

Sep 26, 2017 17:59

Hi everyone! I'm here to advertise a new HSJ fic exchange created by alchemicink and I.

Hosted on AO3, it's a fic exchange for ALL romantic pairings and gen relationships. Everyone is welcome at the JUMPing Fic Carnival! Bring your friends! Try your luck requesting a rare-pair (yes - even that pair you've always wanted but were convinced you were the only one who shipped it! Chances are you aren't - trust us. :D) Sign ups open on October 7th so you have plenty of time to rally the troops.

The rules and FAQ can all be found here. Please feel free to follow us on Twitter or send us an email at jumpficcarnival@gmail.com.

If you don't have Twitter or an AO3 account, but still want to contact us, no worries! Either PM alchemicink or xingphonic, or comment here, and one of us will get back to you.

We're really excited for this exchange, and hope you are too! ♥

g: hey! say! jump, !advertisement, !exchange

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