[Drabble] Toothpaste

Apr 06, 2017 00:53

Title: Toothpaste
arimi_skywalker (
Fandom: Johnny's Entertainment, Arashi
Format: Drabble
Rating: G
Characters: Ohno Satoshi, Sakurai Sho, Matsumoto Jun, Ninomiya Kazunari, Aiba Masaki
Pairing/s: None
Disclaimer: fanFICTION (extra emphasis on the fiction). None of this is based in anything even resembling fact except for, like, their names. Do not know, don't presume to know. Not owning. Not meant to offend. Just fangirling.

A/N: Thanks to my 'Sho-chan' for checking and correcting this text for me. I suck at expressing myself in english~
If you like this, you're welcome to check out my fics masterpost here

Summary: Ohno is late and acting weird...

( Ohno's alarm clock didn't go off that morning... )

t: slash, c: aiba masaki, x: humor, g: arashi, c: ohno satoshi, c: ninomiya kazunari, r: g, c: sakurai sho, c: matsumoto jun, l: drabble

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