[Yaotome/Inoo/Yabu] - S.H.I.E.L.D's Subdivision Agents

Nov 03, 2015 14:23

Title : S.H.I.E.L.D's Subdivision Agents
Pairing(s) : Yaotome Hikaru, Inoo Kei, Yabu Kota - actually no pairing yet
Author :
Genre : SCI-FI, AU - Marvel's Cinematic Universe crossover
Rating : PG
Warning : Major Marvel's Cinematic Universe's spoiler especially Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Disclaimer : Of course Marvel owns the basic story. I have the improvisation like always. The rests are idols, everyone owns these idols. Ha ha!

Yaotome Hikaru knew he was burning, and by burning it means literally on fire.

( “It’s okay, we’re the good guys.” )

g: hey! say! jump, r: pg-13, c: inoo kei, t: group, l: one-shot, c: yabu kota, c: yaotome hikaru, x: au, x: crossover, c: nakajima yuto

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