Title: Family Conspiracy: The Love Game Chapter Three
ladyalta Pairing: Ohmiya, Yama, Juntoshi, Ohba, Ohma, OhnoxKame
Genre: AU
Rating: PG
Summary: Ohno Satoshi’s sister has come up with a crazy plan. She conspires with their family behind his back to get him a husband. Will their plan fail or succeed?
Word Count: 1,216 words
Disclaimer: I own nothing. This is FICTION.
A/N: I made it that gay relationship in Japan is acceptable.
A/N2: I based the members’ appearance according to each families’ “taste” in a guy. Example: Ohno-jiichan wants a guy who is responsible to take care of Satoshi. This one is the grandmother’s choice.
A/N3: I’m sorry this is short. Had a hard time with this chapter, really.
( “Hi, you must be Ohno Satoshi! I’m Green!” )